18-XLT: Need Assistance with Modifying Blinker System for Continuous 12V | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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18-XLT: Need Assistance with Modifying Blinker System for Continuous 12V


New Member
November 15, 2017
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2017 Ford Explorer XLT

Hey fellow Ford Explorer enthusiasts,

I'm currently working on a modification project for my Ford Explorer, and I could use some expertise from the community. I'm aiming to modify the blinker system to receive a continuous 12V supply instead of the factory default of just 3 flashes.

I know about : 724-01-01 and that you can change the number of flash but is it possible to set it to just turn on with out flash?

Thank you for your time

Wouldn't that just turn them into parking lights?


No, because all my lights have been replace with LED and link to an external system name Whelen Core.

All i need is the output signal to be continuous 12V so my external system can do his work.

With the on/off of the blinker it's making my life a little bit difficult creating an event at each +12v receive compare to receive 1 steady when blinker is activated.

If you're DIY oriented you can build a circuit, google "retriggerable monostable" and you can probably find something already cooked up design wise, you're basically just building a latching solid state relay. You can likely even build it with a relay and a capacitor on the coil trigger lead, if the capacitor is sized correctly it will charge up during the "ON" cycle and discharge until the next on cycle keeping the relay latched. A switchback controller could potentially be used as well but most are designed to switch an output OFF when the flasher signal is sensed (EG turn off DRL while turn signal flashes).
