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1992 Ford Explorer Eddie Bauer: What's it worth?


Well-Known Member
June 22, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Central, IL
Year, Model & Trim Level
04 XLT
Greetings. I've got my hands on a Eddie Bauer Ford Explorer. It's a 1992. It's in pretty decent shape, the passenger door does not open from the outside and the ABS light is on. 4 wd works, tranny works, engine works, runs strong. Gas tank gauge does not work. No major rusts etc. There's some spots, but no huge holes. Over all it's a pretty nice little unit. On ebay they go for around $500. Think it's worth that? I was hoping more like a grand. Is it worth that? Any major problems in 1992 that makes it scary? I've owned a 98 mounty and currently own a 2004 Expo. Been pleased with both.

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The rad. arm bushings can make it scary souding.

Check KBB for the value and subtract for the wear and tear

yea i would say you would only get about 500-700 bucks for it, you might get more money if you part it out.

Biggest problems with the Gen I (91-94) are the transmissions, rust, and radius arm bushings. If all that is ok and the mileage is somewhat decent (< 160 k), you may be able to get about $1500 for it. This also assumes that the 4wd works, it looks decent, and it will pass whatever local requirements your state has. I wouldn't recommend selling it on ebay. Try cars.com or autotrader.

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