1997 Keyless entry/door locks | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1997 Keyless entry/door locks


June 16, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Albuquerque, NM
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 XLT
I just purchased a 97 XLT 4X4 and the lock function on the drivers door does not work. If I use the passengers side all doors lock and the Unlock works on the drivers side. Also it does not lock when I drive, is it supposed to??

WHen I got it it did not come with entry remotes, did 97 XLT's have keyless entry and how can I check to see so I can just buy new remotes

Dan the Man

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Does you X have a keyless entry system? If it doe sI would think that it would have the remote system. You can also disable the auto locking mechanism, that may have been done. Is it jsu the lock function on the drivers side? Or the unlock too? The wiring harnes sunder the button maybe loose. Check that out by taking the door panel part way off and taking a peek.

Re: Keyless

Originally posted by Jester1994
Does you X have a keyless entry system? If it doe sI would think that it would have the remote system. You can also disable the auto locking mechanism, that may have been done. Is it jsu the lock function on the drivers side? Or the unlock too? The wiring harnes sunder the button maybe loose. Check that out by taking the door panel part way off and taking a peek.
Thanks for reply, no it does not have keyless entry
The unlock works but the lock does not, only on the drivers side

I belive if you have the keypad on the outside of your driver's door, then you should be able to get remotes for it for remote keyless entry

Originally posted by VairKing
I belive if you have the keypad on the outside of your driver's door, then you should be able to get remotes for it for remote keyless entry
No keypad, but as for the lock, I checked the wires at the kickpanel on the drivers side and from there if I touch the lock wire to the ground then the doors lock... Does this mean I need a new switch and if so how much are they?

Originally posted by DansX
No keypad, but as for the lock, I checked the wires at the kickpanel on the drivers side and from there if I touch the lock wire to the ground then the doors lock... Does this mean I need a new switch and if so how much are they?

Try to find one from the junk yard. They shouldn't cost more than $20.

Originally posted by '96explorereddiebauer
Try to find one from the junk yard. They shouldn't cost more than $20.

Cool Thanks that is what I will try to do
