Wanted - 2003 4.0 sohc into 2000 ford explorer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Wanted 2003 4.0 sohc into 2000 ford explorer

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November 21, 2010
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2000 ford explorer xls
How hard will it be for me to swap in a 2003 model 4.0 sohc engine into my 2000 ford explorer? I already have a 4.0 sohc in it,but do not want to put in a 2000 model engine. Want newer model. Any advice from anyone?

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Use an even newer Mustang engine...3 or 4 folks on here have installed a 2005 or 06 Mustang sohc 4 liter engine into their Explorers... They used the long block from the Mustang and the accesories and manifolds from the Explorer...

It is an easy swap with lower mileage on the engine...

I wanted to go later because I have been told that ford resolved the guide and tensioner issues in the later model sohc engines. My grenaded and I am just looking at better options to swap in.

Guides & tensioners upgrades

I think I read that all of the upgrades to the timing chain guides and tensioners were incorporated with the 2002 model. Unfortunately, the rear guide assembly is still not metal reinforced on one side and can break due to fatigue. I agree with ranger7ltr that if you're going to replace the engine the newer the better depending on how much you are willing to spend.
