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Solved 2020 FORSCAN Discussion

Prefix for threads that contain problems that have been resolved, and there is an answer within the thread.
I'm assuming he means are the F150 Forscan codes for the heated wheel the same as the Explorer codes.

Correct, wondering if anyone has changed the temp/timeout of their heated steering wheel using the same info as the F150.

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I just bought an OBD reader and Forscan Lite. I am getting all these error codes. Has anyone seen a similar problem? Does anyone have any experience with resetting modules with Forscan? I’m a little nervous. Any reading or video suggestions welcome.

Thanks Livnitup‘s U625 Explorer as-built spreadsheets

I did some research and found some codes to share

Enable Lincoln Welcome Lighting (Approach Detection) for Explorer (need equipped with puddle lamps)
BCM 726-18-01 x1x1 x1x1 x1--
BCM 726-26-02 x1x1 x1x1 x1--
BCM 726-27-01 x1xx xxxx xx--
BCM 726-28-02 xxxx x1xx xx--
BCM 726-39-02 xxxx xxx1 xx--
BCM 726-45-01 xxxx xxx1 xx--
BCM 726-48-02 xxxx x3xx xx--

DDM/PDM 740/741-02-03 xxx1 xxxx xx--
DDM/PDM 740/741-05-01 xxxx xxx1 xx--
DDM/PDM 740/741-05-02 xxxx x1xx xx--
DDM/PDM 740/741-05-03 xxx1 xxxx xx--
DDM/PDM 740/741-05-04 x1xx xxxx x1--
DDM/PDM 740/741-06-01 xxxx xxx1 xx--

APIM 7D0-09-01 xxx7 xxxx xx-- toggle, if digit 3 change to 7
APIM 7D0-09-02 xxxx xxxx xF-- to allow setting to display

Ambient Lighting color (when engine off)
BCM 726-49-02 xxx0 xxxx xx--
0=Ice Blue, 1=Orange, 2=Soft Blue, 3=Red, 4=Green, 5=Blue, 6=Purple, 7=White, 8=Amber, 9=Teal, A=Red, B=Blue, C=Green, D=Lilac, E=Yellow, F=Ice Blue
some not yet confirmed

Interior lights off timer (when engine off) • Seconds
BCM 726-57-01 xxxx xxxx 02--
BCM 726-57-02 58xx xxxx xx--

0258=600 secs=10 mins
003C=60 secs
0078=120 secs

Auto Air Refresh (not yet confirmed)

HVAC 733-01-05 Fxxx xxxx xx-- Moon Roof Odor Mitigation strategy
HVAC 733-01-05 x6xx xxxx xx-- Ultra Fresh Cabin Strategy, automatically adjust the climate control system to change from outside air to recirculated air
HVAC 733-01-05 xxDx xxxx xx-- Unlock purge strategy, refresh the cabin air for 60 secs upon press unlock on the keyfob
HVAC 733-01-05 xxx3 xxxx xx-- Periodic Park Purge Strategy, more battery drain, enable by default in vehicles sold to China and Asia Pacific region. The strategy automatically refreshes the cabin air for 60 secs every 2 hours after vehicle has been off 2 hours to keep the air fresh. If the vehicle has been off 6 hours, it will be automatically executed 3 times in total
HVAC 733-01-06 xx8x xxxx xx-- Air Quality Sensor Recirc Strategy (base on Ultra Fresh Cabin Strategy, possible without AQ sensor in Explorer)

Enable Reverse Brake Assist for Limited (not yet confirmed)

ABS 760-03-03 xxxx xxx2 xx--

APIM 7D0-08-01 xxxx x1xx xx-- toggle

IPC 720-10-02 xx02 xx-- (optional, hidden/not display)

IPMB 7B1-04-03 xxxx xxE1 xx--

SODL/SODR 7C4/7C6-01-01 xx1x --
SODL/SODR 7C4/7C6-13-04 00xx xxxx xx--

Battery Type (BMS Reset)
BCM 726-04-01 xxxx **** xx-- (don't change this until you replace battery)

0B0B=SLI H7 standard on Police Interceptor Utility
0D0D=AGM H6 standard on Explorer
0E0E=AGM H7 standard on PIU
0F0F=AGM H8 standard on Aviator/PIU with code 19K
1111=EFB H6 standard on Explorer China model
1212=EFB H7
1313=EFB H8 standard on Aviator China model

Smart Regenerative Charging
BCM 726-07-01 xxxx x0xx xx-- 0=disabled, in PIU it was 0=disabled

Battery Refresh Phase
BCM 726-07-01 xxxx x1xx xx-- 1=enabled by default, disable not recommended

Battery Low SOC Shed
BCM 726-07-02 xxxx xxx1 xx-- 1=enabled by default, disable not recommended, in PIU it was 0=disabled (it doesn't support FordPass) when the load shed, a deep sleep notice will be sent to FordPass

Battery Target SOC
BCM 726-08-02 xxxx xx07 80-- 0780=120%, the value from 2020+ Police Interceptor Utility with AGM H8 and 2021+ F-150 Police

Load Shed Off Timer • Seconds
BCM 726-08-02 0007 08xx xx-- 0007 08=30 mins, the timer starts when the interior lights off, see Interior lights off timer

about BMS & SRC

It won't take both settings being changed -You'll see you'll get a write error (I tried both). In the end, I disabled the one labeled "noise enhancement software" only and it removed the fake engine noise on my 2021 in all drive modes.

I had a 2020 prior and had to do it in the As Built by modifying the hex values and I personally think it messed with the stereo speakers a little (always had some crackles in music after), so this new easy set Forscan option above was a welcome addition. All is well on my 2021 - FENG gone and stereo sounds wayy better..
Morning. I'll try this as well for my 2021 ST. I was also told to change the setting 727-01-01 setting to 00 (second box) using FORscan, does that help at all?

Morning. I'll try this as well for my 2021 ST. I was also told to change the setting 727-01-01 setting to 00 (second box) using FORscan, does that help at all?
Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
I doubt you'll get an answer from the member you quoted. He was last seen here on July 19, 2022. Hopefully, someone else can assist.


if anyone is interested...

Enable Police Perimeter Alert (Boundary Alert) for Explorer equipped with PAM (without 360 Camera) and SODL/SODR (with BLIS)

SODL/SODR: 7C4/7C6-15-01 78xx xxxx xx--
DDM/PDM: 740/741-02-02 xxxx xxx1 xx--
PAM: 736-01-01 xx80 xxxx xx
IPC: 720-10-01 xxxx 4xxx xx-- (enable option only works 4.2 inch screen cluster maybe)

if it works, did not test yet

