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2wd Suspension Lift (need help)


September 13, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
San Antonio, Texas
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 2wd 4.0L
I currently have a 2001 2wd 4.0 V6 Sport Trac with 31 x 10.5 x 15 BFG All Terrains and I want to upgrade to 33 x 12.5 x 15 BFG Mud Terrains. Will This suspension lift be big enough to put on the 33's, and if so is this lift worth the money or is it a P.O.S. I don't know much about lifts for a 2wd so please give me some feed back, thanks guys.

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first off, that is a body lift, not a suspension lift, it has nothing to do at all with the suspension lift. welcome to the site. there is a thread here labeled what tire fits my explorer, it should outline what size you are looking at. 33x12.5 is a wide tire. so that will be an issue more than anything, i hope you are planning on new wheels at this time, as a 12.5" wide tire on a stock 7" wide rim isnt impossibly, but certaintly isnt practical

oh my bad i just thought it was suspension because it said suspension, but i guess not. my rims are 15 inch which is weird bc the stock for that year is usually a 16 inch rim. my problem is trying to figure out how wide my rims are. 33 x 12.5 can fit a 15 x 8 inch rim, but i donno if my rims are 8 inches are not. but anyway is the lift worth the money or is it crappy?

you and I are in the same boat my friend, head on over to the Sport Trac forum and look for my thread titled "2wd susp. lift"

from what i gather you will need the front spindles for a Ranger Edge (from fabtech) and the rear leaf spring kit for a 4wd sport trac from superlift. im workin g out the details with the shocks and struts as well as the other misc stuff right now, but i know for a fact you have to have those parts first.

that along with a TT and shackle job sets you right at 4" of lift

your stock rims are 15x7 .... the 16s you speak of were an upgraded option

Sorry to butt in, but Jimbo, my door sticker reads 15x7 and I measured my rim and it measures at eactly 16". Is the door sticker wrong and it's possibly the upgraded option?

it is possible, however where did you measure? if you did not measure the right part of the rim, it can appear to be a different size.... look at your tires... there should be numbers on them like P235/75/15 or 31x10.5x15
can you post what that says?

Sure can:

This is just to show what type of rim it is if you can tell just by that:

there you go ryan, you have the stock 15x7s, same rims i have on my 96 4x4 xlt

you can upsize to a 16x8, but tires for 16" rims are usually more expesnive and harder to find -- 15s are much more common and cheaper, im keeping my 15s

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