40,000 acres to re-open to offroaders this weekend | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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40,000 acres to re-open to offroaders this weekend


Moderator Emeritus
Elite In Memoriam
March 4, 2007
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City, State
anaheim hills,california
Year, Model & Trim Level
95 ranger 4x4/ 91 X 4x4
..Bet you didn't see this coming..They actually need volunteers to remove the closed signs..:biggthump


Off-roaders will hit the desert Saturday, May 3, to begin removing closure stakes in the Imperial Sand Dunes Recreation Area, where an additional 40,000 acres was re-opened to motorized vehicles under a recent court ruling.


Off-roaders are hitting the dirt again on 40,000 acres that had been closed for 14 years to protect an endangered plant.

Volunteers will gather Saturday near Gecko Campground to begin removing closure stakes and mark the reopening of the Imperial Sand Dunes Recreation Area, the Riverside Press Enterprise reports.

The acreage was closed in 2000 to protect the Peirson's milk vetch, a perennial herb listed as threatened under the federal Endangered Species Act. A federal judge overruled environmentalists' objections last month and shrank the amount of habitat deemed necessary for the plant's survival.

The 250-square-mile recreation site, which includes Glamis and the Algodones Dunes, is one of the most popular off-roading areas in Southern California, drawing an estimated 1.2 million visitors a year.

Source: http://www.nbcsandiego.com/news/cal...-Roading-Popular-257543501.html#ixzz30VTMR0yJ
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..Here is some Volunteer info for those whom wish to be part of this Historic event...Plus you get lunch..:)


American Sand Association

The American Sand Association (aSa) is working on a volunteer effort, in conjunction with the BLM, to start the process of removing the closure stakes in the Imperial Sand Dunes Recreation Area. More specifically, the small central closure near Gecko Campground and the 160 acres in Buttercup. The Buttercup project will also call for assistance with the reinstallation of the critical habitat closure near the US/Mexico border.

DATES: May 2nd - Volunteer registration from 6PM-9PM
May 3rd - 5:30AM briefing, volunteer registration
TIME: Due to the excessive heat during this time, we expect to be finished by 11AM
LOCATION: Gecko Campground & Buttercup Ranger Station
NEEDED: Bring your Buggies, OHVs, Quads, SxS, Trucks, Trailers, EZ-Ups, Goggles, Gloves, Shovels, Rope, Tie-Downs, Moving Blankets

Please help us spread the word. The more volunteers we have out there, the better off we'll be! If you aren't physically able to remove stakes, there are plenty of other areas we can use volunteers. We need people to help with set up, signing up volunteers and assisting with food & refreshments.

The main point of contact for this project is Nicole Nicholas Gilles from the aSa. If you want to sign up to volunteer or have questions, please email Nicole at ngilles@asasand.org. Please include the names of the people in your group who plan on volunteering, email addresses and a phone number where you can be reached. As more details become available, Nicole will be emailing everyone on the volunteer list.

Man Ted... I can't believe it's been so long since the closure. Seriously 2000??? It seems like it was just a couple years ago.:eek:

I remember driving by the dunes quite frequently back in '92 while driving from El Toro to Yuma. I always thought that place was very cool and it was always packed! I never knew they closed it. The re-opening is gonna make a bunch of people very happy!!

..Just think of all the other closures that have happened since 2000 and the current fight's for land use in the Southwest..They keep us busy over here, then over here, till time flies by..

..But this clearly is a surprise and I would like to say it appears more legal people in all seats of the Government and Law are starting to see the bigger picture after what the test of time has revealed over the past dozen years plus..Hopefully, this new thinking and awareness will set a president for future and current land issues.

..Locally, this may help bring back a lot of the families and old timers that had been going out there for decades which had quit due to the crowds and limited restricted space..

..The now less restricted area should allow for the recent weekend population to spread out some as well as families to find a more family friendly area to enjoy...:D

I know what you mean. Over here, in The People's Republic Of Massachusetts, none of the state land is open to motorized vehicles over 1000 pounds. I guess it's the few idiots that don't respect the land that kills it for the rest of us.

..It's cooling off at home and should only be 97* today and even cooler tomorrow..

..Anybody thinking about heading out there for the event?
