4WD to 2WD conversion possible? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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4WD to 2WD conversion possible?


August 28, 2008
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Cedar Rapids, Iowa
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I have a 1997 ford exploder 4WD and the transfer case is out. I have pulled the transfer case and I was wondering if the 2WD drive shaft would bolt in its place. I can get the drive shaft for $50, and I'm having trouble finding a transfer case for this model. I know that I can get a 98-01 and switch the rear case with my 97 and it will work, but I gave $300 for this thing and wouldn't mind having $350 total in a 2WD exploder.

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I did some research and realized I would need to take apart the transmission and swap the output shaft and change the transmission extension to make it compatible with 2WD. I went and purchased a 98 transfer case and will swap the rear case to make it compatible with the 97. The transfer case cost me $200, exploder cost $300. Total cost $500 for vehicle plus gas to haul it on a trailer and go get the transfer case. These things seem to be junk, but well worth $500.

If the transfer case is dead, you could always remove all the necessary interior stuff (basically everything but the main shaft), remove the front driveshaft, and essentially it would be a 2wd. Of course you will get a blinking 4HI/4LO light but just put tape over it ;)

The thing is really dead and I just purchased a 98 tc. The one in it won't even drive the vehicle at all. It just grinds. I can't wait to see what it looks like inside. I can probably get pics if you want to see.

If it just grinds, the engaging gear could be out of its place -- either the fork is bent, the plastic/rubber bushings at the end of the fork are gone, or something maybe with the shift rod. If this is the case, you can take the fork and engagement gear parts from the 98 and put it in the 97 T-case.

