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4x4 questions


October 5, 2003
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91' Navajo LX
So I noticed last night that my light next to my push button 4x4 was dimly lit. I pushed the button to disengage what appeared as an engaged system. However, the light lit up even more, and I could hear the transfer case motor switching it over to 4x4. So when I pressed it again, it dimmed down again back to the barely lit state it was in before. Now, my low range button isn't dimly lit at all, is this normal? Is that a screwed up light or do I have a transfer case motor that isn't disengaging all the way? Would a transfer case that is engaged partly give off any clues to if that is so, like a smell or a running condition? Thanks


Hi Brad,
This has occurred in my '93 about once every 2 weeks during the cold months. I am not sure what it is, but I am sure my "T" case is not in 4x4...When I push the 4x4 button you will see the lights get brighter and hear the comforting slight thump of the "T" case switching into 4x4...Pushing the button disengages the 4x4, but the light is sometimes still on, but very dim.
