6r60 to 6r80 swap? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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6r60 to 6r80 swap?


Explorer Addict
March 24, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Anchorage, AK
Year, Model & Trim Level
2008 White Limited V8
Hey guys, I've done a Google and forum search and was wondering if anyone has attempted a swap from the 6r60 to the 6r80. I'm in no hurry to do one, but the next time my 6r60 requires expensive repairs, I'd like to replace with a 6r80.

To my understanding the 6r series use internal control modules, and are electrically identical.

I am no transmission expert, but I think even you swap a 6r60, for another 6r60 there maybe an issue with the electronics. And would need to be reprogramed.

That part is true, dealership or well equipped shop/tuner will have access to that software. An added cost, but one I'm willing to pay. I inherited this X from my father, and it's likely going to be a life long companion and project car.

I know 6r80 swap is possible, it's just a matter of how far down the rabbit hole / into my wallet I have to go to get one done.

I am far from a transmission expert but it seems the differences between the 6R60 and 6R80 are internal. I would bet that the swap is possible but, as mentioned, it might require some software changes to get it working smoothly. From what I have read the 6R80 has a higher torque rating than the 6R60 but is otherwise the same except for a few beefier parts.

The 6R transmissions, in general, are very durable. Especially if well maintained. You may find the 6R60 you have will last a very long time to come. If you haven't done so, I recommend doing two pan drops and drains (the first with a filter change) about 1,000 miles apart to ensure a large amount of fluid gets replaced. One pan drop only replaces about 50% of the transmission fluid. The second one gets you to the 75%-80% point. If the transmission is working well, this service will likely give you many, many more miles of use from it.
