'94 A4LD computer controlled? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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'94 A4LD computer controlled?


Well-Known Member
August 19, 2004
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'91 Explorer 4x4
I'm swapping in a '94 Explorer A4LD transmission in my '91 Explorer M5. Is the transmission controlled by the computer and should I swap computers too?


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On the A4LD, the computer controls 3-4 shift and Torque converter clutch (TCC) lcokup. If you don't swap out computers (or otherwise deal with the electronic issues), you'll essentially be swapping in a 3 speed auto (at which point you'd probably be better off putting a C4 or C5 in there instead of an A4LD).

You have to swap the wiring harness as well. Don't try to modify the existing one.

The complete harness or does the harness section I need plug into the main harness somewhere?

If I have to swap the complete harness, I may be better off just swapping my suspension from the '91 M5 to the '94 A4 Explorer.



The complete harness.

No 1991 Explorer have two separate wiring harnesses for the motor or least mine does if ya look over by the Alternator you should see a fat round plug that's the main harness that controls the fuel injection and most of the sensors on the the engine. And then there's a smaller wiring harness on the driver side down low it hooks up to the oil pressure sensor the oil temp sensor in the oil pan and runs back to the trans for back up lights, computer control for the A4 etc and if you back track it the main plug is on the driver side inner fender.

hope this helps

No 1991 Explorer have two separate wiring harnesses for the motor or least mine does if ya look over by the Alternator you should see a fat round plug that's the main harness that controls the fuel injection and most of the sensors on the the engine. And then there's a smaller wiring harness on the driver side down low it hooks up to the oil pressure sensor the oil temp sensor in the oil pan and runs back to the trans for back up lights, computer control for the A4 etc and if you back track it the main plug is on the driver side inner fender.

hope this helps

thanks, I found it. I sure didn't want to swap the entire harness. This helps a lot!

On a side note, I swapped the computers and now it idles terrible and triggers a SES light. I'll try to pull the code later.

