97 5R55E tranny goes in neutral between shifts | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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97 5R55E tranny goes in neutral between shifts

If you forget to install the filter O-rings, that will cause shifting problems. Low fluid level will also, as will too much fluid. That's about all I can think of right off. Air is expelled after only a few seconds of running, so I don't think that would be it.....

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too much fluid eh... if by too much you mean enough to leak out from around the dipstick tube, then yes i did. i did put the o-rings on, in fact right after i bought the kit. it shifted better before i put the last quart in, i drove it till it warmed up so i could check the level and it was halfway between the holes, so i put a quart in. i'm so retarded, i probly just needed half a quart. i'll try and pump a half out and see if its luscious after that.

well pumping fluid out didnt do the trick. mine has a symptom i've havent heard of yet. right now, when its cold, it works great. as it warms up, the first gear braking goes away, and it shifts into 5the earlier. the 2-3 shift lull is gone. i'm going to gather the tsb parts and update the valve body. i've also ordred the revised bracket. the early shift into 5th would indicate like there is more pressure than normal at that point (about 30mph) but i dont understand the 1st gear thing.

when its cold, it works great. as it warms up, the first gear braking goes away,
DoubtI, that's a classic symptom of a blown valve body gasket, or undertorqued VB bolts. I think you're correct in installing the revised blow-off valve and separator plate. Your model will use the separator plate with the bonded gaskets. Hopefully that'll cure all your problems.

thankx for the response, glad to hear that its not a $1000 fix. but what about the early 5th shift? i havent seen that symptom posted anywhere. tonite on the way home it shifted to OD at like 28mph, thats no typo, and you have to put the pedal to the floor, seriously all the way down, to get a kick down.

has anyone associated a whining with this symptom? i noticed mine has started whining, mostly when holding a speed and deccelerating. i got all the ford and superior parts, and the sonnax boost vave and the updated parts as well, i hope al this fixes my problems, ors its gonna be big $$$ i dont have to get her rolling right again. i should have just been content with adding a pint everyother month.

DI, you might want to check the rear differential oil level, since you experience a whining noise. They will whine like you describe if the gear oil is low.

I haven't noticed any noise with my transmission; just had the shifting 'flare' which the kit installation fixed.....

DI, whining when decellerating is usually a sign of the transfer case crapping out - the TOD and/or Shift Fork going bad

I started to develop a whine/vibration in my Trac a few weeks ago which wound up being the front right wheel bearing but I have a similiar 1-2 flaring issue.

I’ve been researching the posts on this page for a few days trying to better understand the problems in my own trans and get ideas for potential fixes. I have seen several other folks with identical issues on the forum so I apologize in advance if my questions has already been asked and/or answered directly.

The end-state for me is that I have had a minor 1-2 Flare for about a year now. When it started I took it to AAMCO and they replaced my overdrive and intermediate servo which did not fix the problem completely although it seemed to quell it for a while. Now the 1-2 flare is now a daily, although sporadic, occurrence so I went back to another AAMCO. They replaced the VB gasket (which was slightly pushed out near the reverse ‘piston’ opposite side from the TSB about the 1-2 flare) and ran checks on the electrical components based on a few TSBs. The problem is still there so they are suggesting a complete rebuild. The only error code to ever come up was an “incorrect gear ratio” code but I have only had that come up 3-4 times in the last year and only when I have had an increased load on the engine/trans during the 1-2 shift.

So I am looking for opinions on whether a new (remanufactured, http://www.valvebodyxpress.com) VBX type VB would be a probable solution or if a complete rebuild of the entire transmission is really necessary. I have done a lot of other “dry” mechanical work on my truck (i.e. brakes, wheel bearing, lots of electrical additions, ect) but other than installing an aftermarket trans pan and a new filter I have no trans experience so I need some help.

The AAMCO guys did not replace the EPC because they said it tested fine on their equipment even though I pre-authorized a proactive swap of the part as a troubleshooting measure. Leaving it in at 93,000 seems contrary to a lot of opinions on this board so I can’t help but question whether or not they are just “hoping” that a $1700rebuild is deemed necessary.

I'm in the military and I am in a little bit of a time crunch to get it fixed and drive home for the holidays before my next trip so I am willing to spend a little more to save time if it makes sense (i.e. buy a rebuilt VB instead of doing it myself)

Any thoughts on the best course of action?

Vehicle stats:
2001 4WD Trac
93,000 miles (a few 1000+ mile trips towing a single bike trailer)
Trans fluid and filter changed at 35k and 90k (Mobile 1 synthetic trans fluid with generic filter from auto zone used both time, O rings installed!)
I have always driven it fast on the HWY but I generally do not accelerate hard from stops or abuse it in any other way.

Thanks in advance
