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97 Explorer Transfer case question

ok I took it to another shop and he did a better job at testing it, he took it for a test drive and did some checks and he said its most likely the bearing and the chain in the transfer case and he said it would cost me $1000 to rebuilt the transfer case :confused: Is it hard to change those parts myself?
Changing the chain is a no brainer -- just open up both case halves and its right there. But the bearings are a little bit more involved because they are pressed into the magnesium housing.

If all you can spare is a few hundred, I would advise going towards a manual transfer case.

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Changing the chain is a no brainer -- just open up both case halves and its right there. But the bearings are a little bit more involved because they are pressed into the magnesium housing.

If all you can spare is a few hundred, I would advise going towards a manual transfer case.

If I open the transfer case would the transmission be involved and does all the transmission fluid pour out? And what is the approximate cost for the chain and the bearings?

I think the best thing for mw to do is to buy a used transfer case and replace it with my current one. My car is a 97 would all the 96 to 01 transfer cases work on my car?

Sorry I forgot to mention, you can not open the transfer case while its on the vehicle as it would be impossible to reassemble in that position. You have to remove it and rotate it 90 degrees (with the rear output flange facing up) to pull open the rear case half. And you have to be careful because the shift rail's pin is very tiny (only a few millimeters in diameter and therefore is easily snapped) -- see picture below.


I think the best thing for mw to do is to buy a used transfer case and replace it with my current one. My car is a 97 would all the 96 to 01 transfer cases work on my car?
You can not use a transfer case from 98 and up as there is one missing sensor in those transfer cases.

You can not use a transfer case from 98 and up as there is one missing sensor in those transfer cases.

I see, sorry I forgot to ask, would a 95 transfer case work? and which year do you recommend?

sorry for all my questions

one last question

If it it my bearings and chain should it make sound when all 4 wheels where lifted up?

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