97 Sport Evolution | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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97 Sport Evolution

I purchased my Ex from a friend that had it sitting in his driveway for a couple years due to the transfer-case shift motor issue.
After getting her home she git a thorough Cleaning and a new rebuilt TC.

Here she is...

After a couple weeks I decided to do TT, Shackles and a set of Yokohama Geolanders...

I picked up some 20" MASS rims and some 33" Pro Comp XTerrains...

Got rid of the chrome and threw in a 2" Body Lift along with some business stickers...




And a splash of color on the pumpkin!...

I have recently acquired a safari roof rack system that I installed. I am now thinking about what I could paint green and put on it that would look kinda cool.

More images to come in the near future...

Thanks for looking.

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looking good, interesting green.... where did u get your stickers at? im in process of looking for a place to have some stickers like that printed out in the near future...

The green adds a pretty sweet contrast. I like it.
Ideas for other parts to paint green: rear wiper arm, front wiper arms and or wiper cowls

looking good, interesting green.... where did u get your stickers at? im in process of looking for a place to have some stickers like that printed out in the near future...

You can get any sign shop to do vinyl signs, letters or wraps. The shop that did mine I have been doing business with for a while. The next step is to add my company logo/brand to the truck.

Here is a Photoshop version of what I plan to do next.

Thanks for all of the positive feedback.

thats BA whered ya get the roof rack?

The Explorer looks nice, the green goes well with it.

Sweet. Your truck really pulls the green off well.

That green is INSPIRING! Nice work!

thats BA whered ya get the roof rack?

If your talking about the one you see on the truck in the photos thats stock, if you are refering to the safari rack that I mentioned earlier in this post, it is from Princess Auto and I got it for $50 during a flash sale. It took all my will power no to resist from buying all of them at $50 each, well, also and the fact that it would be hard to justify 15 roof racks in the living room to my girlfriend ;)

Since it is Christmas tomorrow and I don't have much to do I will try to take a few shots of the truck with the new safari rack and the newest addition... Here is a hint, it matches the color theme and all the cool kids had one growing up!

Once again, thanks for all of the positive feedback.

Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all of you Explorer and Ford enthusiasts.

I have taken a couple shots of the Ex with the new Safari rack and the matching addition. We put the GT Snow Racer up there to go sledding a couple weeks ago. We ended up getting so many comments and thumbs up that we just left it up there. I don't know what I am going to do when all of the snow melts, maybe ill paint my red wagon green and strap it to the roof?

Any way, here are the shots.





Here is a word of advice to all you holiday wrenchers... Make sure you come in from the shop about once every hour and tell your wife/girlfriend she looks absolutely fantastic in that oversized Ford emblem sweater.


Do you plan to redo the bumper mounts so they fit properly?

Do you plan to redo the bumper mounts so they fit properly?

Yes I do. I just haven't got around to it. Also, I don't enjoy working in the cold so Ill will most likely do it in the spring.
It is an eyesore with the gap and it is on my list.

Kelowna gets cold?

Kelowna gets cold?

Not so cold this year, we even had green grass for Christmas while everywhere seems to be getting the crazy winter weather.
Basically I just don't enjoy working on cold metal, in the cold and having to wear gloves.
if I have to do work in the cold I just wrap myself in a giant tarp with a propane torch and hope I get the work done before I suffocate.

Same here in Halifax, nothing like Winnipeg where I lived till a year and a half ago. I am still in negotiations with my wife regarding the garage. I work for a company in Sk and Mb that has their office in Kelowna and every time I call their weather is always better.
