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a new flip key


Active Member
March 25, 2016
City, State
Willich, Germany
Year, Model & Trim Level
Explorer 2013 Sport

i bought a new flip key for my Explorer 2013 Sport

New Key


now i finish the programming procedure and i could start the engine with the key.

But the remote doesn't work...

i already try this:

1. Make sure that the anti-theft system is not armed or triggered.
2. Turn the ignition switch from OFF to RUN eight times within ten seconds, ending in RUN. If the RAP module has successfully entered program mode, it will lock and then unlock all doors.
3. Press any button on a keyless entry remote transmitter and the doors will lock and then unlock to confirm that each keyless entry remote transmitter has been programmed.
4. If the door locks do not respond for any keyless entry remote transmitter, wait several seconds and press the button again
5. Turn the ignition switch to the OFF position, or wait up to 20 seconds after step 2, to exit program mode. If a key less entry remote transmitter has been programmed (or reprogrammed), the RAP module will lock and unlock all doors one last time to confirm
6. Note: when the first remote is programmed, all existing remotes are erased.
7. Repeat for each transmitter.

I got this new flip key


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probably wrong frequency.

Probably one of the cheap aftermarket units that doesn't have the transponder chip and remote functions linked to each other. You will need to do the key off/on thing 8 times. Contact the seller...they have the instructions.

I have the exact same key for my 2008 Shelby GT Convertible and for my 2010 Expedition Limited. I just took the keys (all of them) and the car to my Ford dealer and they quickly programmed them for free...even cut the keys to fit!

Everything works perfectly.

I have the exact same key for my 2008 Shelby GT Convertible and for my 2010 Expedition Limited. I just took the keys (all of them) and the car to my Ford dealer and they quickly programmed them for free...even cut the keys to fit!

Everything works perfectly.
for free?? nice dealer you have there :)

for free?? nice dealer you have there :)

Yes...I have been going there with all of my vehicles for over 15 years. They only have Casey, their SVT Bench Tech work on my Shelby, Expedition and my daughter's Edge. I even take my wife's Suburban there for the routine stuff.

They have been excellent to me and are very competitive on price...I do check from time to time. They have even talked me out of doing stuff saying it was over kill and save my $$. I deal directly with the Service Manager most of the time only because I have gotten to know him, not that I expect it.

He will see me calling in on Caller ID to see if they have time for me and instead of saying "Hello" or name of the dealership, he just says "Oh hey Andy."

Great dealer especially since I will always be a Ford owner.
