A sad day for Ohio | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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A sad day for Ohio


Well-Known Member
February 28, 2007
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New Jersey
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2001 Sport
well it seems that the Ohio State Buckeyes have fallen to the LSU Tigers... I'm trying to sympathize with the players of OSU seeing as how its a big game and all but LSU didn't even win the game. We beat ourselves. I know some of you out there can commiserate with the OSU players and fans, at least I know chriswells can. Last year we all said "We'll win it next year and show 'em how the bucks can bounce back" and I'm still trying to figure out what happened...

heres to the bucks :chug: <--- but no happy faces

:bdrunk: <--- again no happy face on the drunk guy...

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Game Response

:mad:OSU Defense lost!!!! :salute: plus the OSU offense started actually playing a little to late and plus LSU has WAY more emotion considering you guys already have recent titles and such... they had to play under the Hurricane Katrina tradegy and the SCC which other states such as Alabama and Mississippi were also also flooded real bad...I am not a huge fan of anyone of these teams but I would have dropped 10 grand on LSU if I had the money only cause me and everyone I've talked had said LSU would beat the crap out of OSU...If only I had the money to bet :mad: :eek: GO TIGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I honestly don't get pleasure in seeing Ohio State lose yet another NC game. I have nothing against the Buckeyes. But maybe, just maybe, people will finally give the SEC the credit they deserve as a football powerhouse. Congrats to my SEC brothers!

Congrats to my SEC brothers!

Yes indeed, two NCs in a row for the SEC. Great game. LSU.

OSU deserves a lot of credit for making it to two in a row Championship games;and I wouldn't be surprised to see them in Miami in 2009.

Hopefully this will cause Tyrell Pryor to look elsewhere, and by elsewhere, I mean at schools other than Ohio State, Michigan and Texas. :D

Everybody needs to give OSU alot of respect for what they accomplished this year. I think at the beginning of the year they weren't even rated in the top 25 I believe. This is a very young team with only two seniors that will be leaving. If they can make it to the BCS title game this year they are going to be a good team for the next several years to come.

GO BUCKS!!!!!!!!

Their cupcake schedule caught up with them. The Big10 was not exactly a powerhouse conference this year, and playing Akron and a couple of other no names as non-conference games didn't help. But remember, they weren't supposed to be great this year, a rebuilding season. They did better than anyone expected.

The Big12 was the power conference this season, as well as the SEC, as usual. Congrats to LSU for surviving and winning it all. Kind of ironic that their coach is an Ohio native who coached at Michigan. He probably won't be visiting Columbus anytime soon.

The little 10 is garbage. Ohio state didn't even deserve to be in that game. VA tech would have at least put up a fight.!

VA Tech couldn't beat Kansas. The matchups should have been LSU-SoCal (they'd never do a pure SEC champioship, so no UGA) and OSU-Va Tech.

Of course, everything is clearer in hindsight.
