About my Explorer's Wheel Size.... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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About my Explorer's Wheel Size....

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The diameter of the wheel is actually measured from the bead surface, not the outer lip. If you were to take a 15" tire and measure the distance from bead to bead stright across, it would be 15", but if you measure your rim from the outside of the lip stright across to the outside of the other lip, it will be 16". This is because the lip on the outside of the wheel is 1/2" taller than the bead surface. A 16" wheel will actually measure 17"!

You got 15"s........................(more)

If your tires are 235/75/15, they you got 15in rims. Thats what the 15 is in the 235/75/15.


Thats what I thought.....I just decided, why don't I check the door? So I did, I have 15s.

Hmmm... I thought that the EB's and Sports came with 16" rims. Guess I was wrong. :confused:

Originally posted by Ray Lobato
Hmmm... I thought that the EB's and Sports came with 16" rims. Guess I was wrong. :confused:

V8 EB used to come with 15", I think it now comes with 16", at least the 4x4. Also, only the 4x4 Sport with the Premium Sport package comes with 16".
