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Accursed A/C


Well-Known Member
April 14, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Florida Gulf Coast University, Fort Myers, Florida
Year, Model & Trim Level
'95 Sport
So, I had that same problem with the A/C only blowing on high. Replaced the switch, and switched the resistors around. Still only works on High. Only 2 things I can think of, the actual plug for the resistor is bad, or the motor is bad. I don't think its the motor, and I don't think its worth 100 bucks to me to fix this. I've been told the chances of the socket being bad are very low, and that the chances of the motor only working on high is also low. So I'm out of ideas, anyone have any similar problems?

There is a relay ( in the black box under the hood) and a resistor (near the fan motor on the firewall) for the fan. You sure you replaced the Resistor? That is what causes the fan to blow Hi only when it burns out. Possible if you did replace it that the new one burned out due to issue with the motor/blockage of the ducts? Make sure nothing has taken up residence in there....

Yeah so apparently, it was the relay we had played with. All the info I gathered was pointing to the relay, not the resistor. Resistor is gonna be coming in tomorrow. I thought that was an odd looking resistor and weird that it could be used as a relay too.... :p
