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Aftermarket Cats


Well-Known Member
July 26, 2007
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City, State
Vancouver, WA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'96 XLT 5.0 AWD
I'm looking at replacing my primary catalytic converters. Currently I have both the primary and secondary cats installed and they look stock. So with 162K on the odometer I dont think they have ever been replaced. I recently had a dual 2.5" in single 3" out(reduced to 2.5") flowmaster 40 dual chamber and pipe that dumps at the rear bumper. Basically the stock routing. Also I just installed A MAC CAI and my TMH's should be here on Thursday. Purchased a 1" intake spacer which I plan on installing at the same time I do the headers. My question is does anyone have experience with "direct fit" primary cats? I cant afford Ford"s OEM replacements, thats like $1200.00 but Magnaflow has them for about $165.00 a side. Are these true " direct fit" replacements or will some modification be necessary? I dont have torches or welding equipment to modify my exhaust. The secondary cats I havent decide on yet. May have them removed and see if I can pass DEQ. Any advice?
Thanks ,Brett

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welcome to the site, it is illegal to remove any cat, or change location of any cat

i dont have personal experience with the magnaflow cats, but magnaflow mufflerwise is a good company with quality stuff


if you removed the cats, i would think there would be an issue with the OBDII system.

Thank you for the info Jimbo. I guess I'm a little confused then as to why Magnaflow, Catco, etc would offer a "direct fit" cats if it would cause issues with the OBD II. I dont know the legallity as far as removal or relocation of the cats but I have read numerous threads in this forum regarding removal of the secondary cats and no problems to speak of (or nobody is saying). This will be my daily driver hopefully for years to come. With the MAC intake, Torque monster headers and my Flowmaster 40 all I can think of thats left to make this motor breath and exhale as efficiently as possible is to do something with these restrictive cats. But the Ford oem cats are unbelievably expensive. There must be a cheaper alternative that keeps the truck emissions legal yet does'nt break my wallet.

Aldive, Have you replaced your cats? With 162k+ on the odometer and no service records I have to assume, especially since the sellor had no service records, that mine are the original 11 year old units. That to me seems like an acceptacle life limit. Just thought with all the other exhaust work I,m doing I might as well address the cats. Dont get me wrong, the truck runs terrific. Exhaust actually looks in very good shape. It was a California truck before it made its way to the great Pacific Northwest. Usually very mild but damn wet winters and road salt is a big no no up here. I think that has been kind to my truck. It,s the last part of the intake/exhaust system I havent addressed yet so thought I would ask all the forum exhaust experts and their opinions. Thanks as always, Brett

Oh by the way aldive, how do you manage to post over 22,000 times?

I actually replaced all my cats with an offroad Y pipe. I then had a dynamax high flow, and a spun-cat high flow as well. Ive since replaced it with pipe and have no cats anymore. generic highflows are good
