Air Conditioning (Low refrigerant or Compressor) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Air Conditioning (Low refrigerant or Compressor)

Sid Daley

Well-Known Member
January 6, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Surrey B.C.
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 XLT Sohc
Recently I noticed that my truck had a refrigerant leak, I could tell because I had green on the foam surrounding my evaporator shortly after that the air conditioning failed to work and I assumed that it may simply need a refill of refrigerant. So last night I thought that I hadn't heard the clicking sound of the compressor that used to work before so I went and started the truck and my compressor is not working.

I need to know if the aircon system is smart enough that it senses that the refrigerant is low and thus the compressor won't work ( It's a long shot )?

Also if not the above do you feel the compressor is broken?

I will need to take the truck to a aircon guy in the Surrey B.C. area and I just don't want to go in unprepared.


1997 Sohc with 132,000 Km on it..

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Originally posted by Sid Daley
I need to know if the aircon system is smart enough that it senses that the refrigerant is low and thus the compressor won't work ( It's a long shot )?B]

They have been like this for awhile to keep the compressor from burning up. There is a pressure switch, usually around the dryer.

The A/C system has a cycle switch that will not engage the compressor clutch if the freon level is too high or low. I forget the exact name for the part, but I had to chang mine last week and it is all good now.

Re: Re: Air Conditioning (Low refrigerant or Compressor)

I would have never thought that, it was a stab in the dark, but I am very relieved to hear that..


Originally posted by lonestar
They have been like this for awhile to keep the compressor from burning up. There is a pressure switch, usually around the dryer.

Thanks Mike..


Originally posted by Mike_H
The A/C system has a cycle switch that will not engage the compressor clutch if the freon level is too high or low. I forget the exact name for the part, but I had to chang mine last week and it is all good now.


If you start refilling the system, once you get about a 12 ounces in there your compresser will start cycling again. Just refill with R134A and you should be OK.

Your accumulator has undoubtedly rusted through. ( A known Ex problem.) Adding 134 will be a short term fix. You should have the accumulator replaced, the system evacuated and recharged to have any meaningful fix.

V8Boatbuilder did a nice post on his with pictures.

Happy Exploring


Is the accumulator the metal container with foam wrap
on it up by the firewall, I thought that was called the evaporator?


Originally posted by Glacier991
Your accumulator has undoubtedly rusted through. ( A known Ex problem.) Adding 134 will be a short term fix. You should have the accumulator replaced, the system evacuated and recharged to have any meaningful fix.

V8Boatbuilder did a nice post on his with pictures.

Happy Exploring


Thanks Brad, unfortunately in Canada we don't have access to to R134 like our American neighbors so I'll
need to find a guy up here..

Originally posted by BradE.

If you start refilling the system, once you get about a 12 ounces in there your compresser will start cycling again. Just refill with R134A and you should be OK.


Found a local guy who repairs A/C for the dealers, turns out that I have no leak and it simply needed a vaccum flush and a refill of the freon. He charged me $120 cdn
for the work which I feel is a great deal.
The workflow he uses is when he vaccums, the system will tell him that their is a leak if the vaccum gauge on his machine doesn't mantain the vaccum, and then when he's done the refill he tests with a leak tester as well. Nice to have the AC back, he also mentioned that he adds special oil for the compressor when he tops up the system as well. ( Food for thought if you're doing your own refills).

