Almighty Allah Arrested On Drug Charges | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Almighty Allah Arrested On Drug Charges


Well-Known Member
August 27, 2007
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City, State
Birmingham, AL
Year, Model & Trim Level
1993 Sport

SOUTH WINDSOR, Conn. -- South Windsor police arrested Almighty Supremebeing Allah on drug charges.

Police received a tip that he was about to take part in a drug transaction, police said. He was arrested Thursday night on John Fitch Boulevard.

Almighty Supremebeing Allah, who lives in West Hartford, was accused of cocaine possession with intent to sell.

And from FOX61:

According to police, Almighty Supremebeing Allah, 35, of 119 Elmhurst St. West Hartford refused to stop for a marked cruiser and was detained about a mile down the road after the initial stop.

He was charged with Reckless Driving, Disobeying an Officers Signal, Interfering with an Officer, Criminal Attempt/Sale of Cocaine Criminal Attempt/Possession of Cocaine.

Police say Allah was held on a $260,000.00 bond and will be in Manchester Superior Court on Friday.

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Almighty Allah should not be held in jail, being a supremebeing. Shouldn't he be able to just walk out through a wall?

who was the alimighty allah was he famous or what i never heard of him
