Amp and Sub install with Factory Nav installed? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Amp and Sub install with Factory Nav installed?


September 1, 2009
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Year, Model & Trim Level
07 XLT
I had the 1cd headunit from ford in my 2007 xlt and replaced it with a properly programmed ford factory navigation. When I had it programmed I told the guy there was no factory sub.

Now I wanted to add an amp and a sub box. I was about to install but just wanted to go over the steps that I was going to take.

1. Disconnect negative terminal
2. Run power and ground to amp
3. Pull nav system out and find the rear speaker wires?
4. Rear speaker wires to line out converter
5. line out converter to amp
6. amp to subwoofers

Does this sound about right? What wires am I supposed to tap into during step 3 is there a diagram for my 07 explorer with ford factory navigation?

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if the factory navigation system has subwoofer output rca's/cables, then connect the rca's/cables from the output in the factory to the input to the amp to get signal.

Does this sound about right? What wires am I supposed to tap into during step 3 is there a diagram for my 07 explorer with ford factory navigation?

I've been looking at upgrading my speakers and sub/amp, and I came across this "diagram" for the Metra 70-5521 (Factory amplifier integration harness), so the color codes should be accurate:

From what I gather, you'll want to tap the blue/white wire as the remote power on for your amp. And jimster502 is right, you should have a separate RCA Out for the sub.

I looked at the back and there is no rca plugs that I see, just two wire harnesses/plugs that are connected to the radio. I got an 800watt amp with line lvl inputs so I think I can just strip the wires from the back harness and run them to the amp. Where is the hole in the firewall? And a good grounding area near the trunk? I have to also run the remote wire too. I'm thinking of installing it tomorrow.

I looked at the back and there is no rca plugs that I see...

Darn it, now I can't find the thread where the RCA plugs were mentioned and everything I come across has no mention of RCA plugs either.
Just to make sure, we are talking about this head unit, right, whihc is not showing any RCA out:


Yup, that is the head unit.

I actually installed the amp and subs yesterday using a line output converter and wiring everything. I switched the sub box with a ported sub box for better airflow. After plugging that box in within 30 seconds the amp just shut off.

I checked the fuses and all the wiring and it seems to be alright. I might recheck the remote turn on...

You might have a crossed speaker wire somewhere...wait, did the amp shut off, or just quit pushin the sub?

WCS: You could have blown the amp possibly
Re-check all the wiring, make sure nothings exposed (besides ground obv.) and nothings touching anything it shouldnt be, and re check ALL fuses, amp fuse, inline fuse, everything.

What I was gonna reccomend was running your lineout's from the rear speakers, save you quite a bit of time, and wiring.

amp shut off, it was pushing one box fine but it sounded muffled so i replaced it with a ported box.

the amp fuse is fine. the remote power on is wired through the fuse box and my radar detector and laser jammer turn on fine after being tapped into their too.

I checked the power cable and ground and they are plugged in fine, maybe remote turn on or the fuse in the power cable.

check the fuse in the power cable...

It was the fuse in the power cable. After I changed my sub box and put a new fuse in everything worked.

Now im bumpin.

I had the 1cd headunit from ford in my 2007 xlt and replaced it with a properly programmed ford factory navigation. When I had it programmed I told the guy there was no factory sub.
Hi - I'm new here, just bought an '07 Limited for my wife and I'd like to swap in the factory nav. Where did you get yours, if you don't mind me asking?

ebay. I contacted the guy who programs them for 85 and he said he can program one that he has in stock and gave me a price around 650. I bargained to 450 and it came with antenna no disc. I made a copy of the 7p disc and put it in and the system is working fine. Shouldn't take more than 10-15 minutes to install.

Thanks for the info. Do you have a link or the seller's ebay name? Where did you get a copy of the disc?

Thanks for the info. Do you have a link or the seller's ebay name? Where did you get a copy of the disc?

Did you ever get a response to your question? I am very interested in this but need a little help going forward as I don't get all the questions that I should be asking.
