Any wheelin in Virginia??? | Page 7 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Any wheelin in Virginia???

Let me know when you. You can connect to my computer and send me all of your pictures that way. I'd like to see them.

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I'm elite now, just gotta find an avitar :)

Good job!

Well Danny, it's your turn now. ;)

Yeah Danny, everbody's doing it! Come on, peer pressure!

John, few questions for ya about this elite stuff.
1) Loading pics, wouldn't work for me last night, how can I get my pics onto the storage and then onto the forum
2) How can I change my avatar

Thanks man!

Ain't peer pressure a b****! I just got fiinished signing up for Elite Status. How long does it take to kick in after you sign up, and can I now post pics?

Originally posted by VBVASploder
John, few questions for ya about this elite stuff.
1) Loading pics, wouldn't work for me last night, how can I get my pics onto the storage and then onto the forum
2) How can I change my avatar
#1 I've never messed with putting pictures in my album. I'll mess with it and find out.
To put them in posts, just right click a picture once it is in your album. View the properties and copy the URL of the picture. Paste the URL in between the tag and it will show up.
You can attach images to post with the attach file thingy at the bottom of the new reply box also. Just click browse and find the picture you want.

#2 You can't. Rick has to do it. Just email him the picture you want.

Way to go Danny!

To upload a photo, click on the little NEW FEATURE Elite Explore Photo Gallery at the top of every page, or go to

Click on Upload Photos on the right of the screen above the list of photo forums.
Choose what category the photo belongs in. DO NOT CHOOSE MAIN.
Click Browse and find the file on your computer.
Give the photo a title, some keywords to find it when searching, and a description if you want.
Click Upload/Submit.

Dead Link Removed

My old Explorer at GWNF on March 17, 2001. Parked at the pull over spot right before you cross the river before the rock water fall.

Ok, lets see how this goes...




I'll have to scan some of the images in and then post them. I have a couple from when I was in the mountains outside of Pittsburgh, but they are too big and I'm not sure how to modify them.

Get them on your comp and then right click on the picture and open up the program ACDSee (I think thats it). The click on resize and resize the pic to 800x600 or smaller. Then load it up in your Elite Gallery and post it on here. You have to resize to get to it to a good size to post.

It snowed pretty good down here last night. Just got back from a little snow muddin.

VBVA, I'll have to try that with the pics. THanks

I had my explorer out in the snow we had today and lost control!:mad: Didn't damage my truck too much but I did take out a mailbox. Pissed me off real bad but it will get fixed.

Originally posted by beachn974door
I had my explorer out in the snow we had today and lost control!:mad: Didn't damage my truck too much but I did take out a mailbox. Pissed me off real bad but it will get fixed.
I did the same thing to my '87 Toyota 4x4 Pickup back in High School, it was scary as hell at first, but I laughed later. Just be careful! Snow is hard to drive on.
