apperance mods for the gen 3 Explorer/Mountaineer? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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apperance mods for the gen 3 Explorer/Mountaineer?

January 29, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Houston, TX
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 Mountaineer
I have been looking for anytype of apperance mods for the gen 3 explorer/mountaineer and can't seem to find much out there.

I am looking for:

Billet accents/parts
exterior appearance stuff
interior appearance stuff
underhood accents

I currently have some stuff (pretty much anything I could find so far that fit into my theme), I have even thought about just doing some custom fiberglass work to add some nice accents.

Thanks for your input/help.

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make ebay your friend. there is a lot of stuff on there if you know where to look. go to and search "02 explorer" then do the same thing all the way up to the 05 explorer (02...03...04...). there isnt much as far as billet accents go except for grilles, antennas, door handles, pillars, and stuff like that. look around and see what you find. dont forget, you can always do some stuff yourself :D

I have an 02 XLT. Same problem. There are few mods. I just came back from a local shop. Only bodykit work is custom. Lowering is limited to 1.6" G-Force springs.

Well my brother-in-law and I measured alot of stuff in my truck. He is a machinist and will make some custom billet accent caps for the interior/underhood areas. I will let you all know how they turn out and if he would be willing to make any for others as well (but if he did it wouldn't be many sets, since it will all be made with a manual lathe by hand), which would make them one of a kind parts that NOBODY else would have.

As far as other interior accents, I am still working on that, but I like little stuff that you notice at first (not going overboard that too).

So would anybody be interested in a billet aluminum cap set for the Explorers/Mountaineers? I know that nobody else makes a kit, so it would make it a very few people that would have billet on them.

Cap set for what?

Caps would be for every cap under the hood as well as a couple inside the truck (turn signal, shifter, radio knob, power mirror knob).

A billet fuse box cover (under the hood) would be great. They have them for the F-150's but I think the size is not the same as ours (3rd Gen Explorers).


New here....

I made a custom grill for my 02 X. Resembles a Ranger grill. And I'm making a custom hood too. It will have a NACA scoop over the air filter and recessed louvers between the washer nozzles. I have blacked out the head lights by removing the lenses and painting them to match the Expedition lights. I am also doing a custom bumper based on the XLT bumper. So I'm pretty much doing it all my self.

mikephotos said:
A billet fuse box cover (under the hood) would be great. They have them for the F-150's but I think the size is not the same as ours (3rd Gen Explorers).


Go to and look under the 05 Ford Mustang dress-up kit, they have a fuse block cover that fits the 4.0L engine. That is what I am getting along with all the custom billet caps.

Anrev...would love to see pics of your them!

2001rangerxtdca...thanks! Do we know for sure that'll fit the Explorer's fuse box? If so, I'm on it too...


mikephotos said:
Anrev...would love to see pics of your them!

2001rangerxtdca...thanks! Do we know for sure that'll fit the Explorer's fuse box? If so, I'm on it too...


Same fuse box, if you want to be certain, you can take your cover off and go to a Ford Dealership and compare it to a Mustang they have.

anyone know where I can go to get a custom made/personalized grill??? I see somone has made there own... but all I can do is screw things in place. awesome. any help is great! looked on ebay but nothing to what I want... not like its too hard or complicated but thought I'd try. HELP

2001ranger u got pics of ur hids on ur mountaineer

Yikes! That's from 2005...

What kinda personalized grille are we talking about here?

im not looking to go crazy with anything too fancy, but I kinda wanted to get the 3 bar chrome style witrh the big emblem in the middle that ford is starting to use in most their other cars- which oddly enough looks like grill from an 88 Aerostar. Maybe if a bought a fusion grill someone could go from there...
