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Auto Cool: an evaluation


Elite In Memoriam
January 17, 2001
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
1999 XLT
Here in the Sunshine State at 27.336N, a vehicle left outside in the searing sun gets hotter than a two peckered rabbit in a pepper patch; almost unbearable to enter. There just has to be a way to diminish the interior temperature in a passive manner prior to entering the vehicle.

Auto Cool claims to be just such a product. It just has to be a great product since its “seen on TV” in late night commercials. And if you believe that ….
The company literature states >>With Auto cool solar powered fan As Seen On TV even on the hottest days, your parked car is kept cooler and the air fresher thanks to this solar-powered vent fan. It maintains a safe, comfortable temperature level for your return. Place Autocool vent on top of window, then close window and lock up. It's solar panel uses sunlight - not the car's electrical wiring or batteries - to power the built-in fan. Fresh air is drawn in as hot, stale air vents out. Autocool even helps to eliminate pet and tobacco odors. Auto Cool Installs in seconds and fits windows on all makes and models. <<

I am not one to demean and deprecate a product until I have personally evaluated it.

If this product actually functions as advertised, it will be a very useful gizmo for me and others as well. Consequently, I decided to order one and give it a go in my truck in this scorching Florida sun. I ordered it on eBay ( from a rather unreliable and unresponsive vendor and it took forever [ 4 weeks] to get the product ); cost $19.95 UPS shipped to my door.

The Auto Cool device is made of plastic and measures 6” x 4 ½” x 2 1/2". The solar array is very small, about 2 square inches. It is marked “made in China“ ( wonder when Harbor Freight will vend them? ). The motor is very quiet. The manufacturer does not provide any CFM information on the fan, or any information whatsoever either.

The investigation parameters will be as follows: First the interior temperature of the truck will be measured after sitting in the sun for 1 hour with all windows closed. Next, the interior temperature will be measured after 1 hour with the driver’s side front window cracked one inch. Next, after sitting in the sun for 1 hour the Auto Cool will be installed in the driver’s side front window. Next, again after 1 hour, both the driver’s side front window as well as the passenger front window will be lowered a couple inches. This will be followed by using the Auto Cool as before with the addition of the passenger front window lowered one inch.

Ideally I would have liked to use one of the rear windows, but the factory tint prevented the solar cell from functioning.

The black weather stripping material ( included with Auto Cool ) will be used to fill in the open window spaces.

All interior temperatures were monitored with a Radio Shack Wireless Indoor/Outdoor Thermometer with Remote Sensor ( ). The measurements were made with the thermometer placed on the center condole. Ambient temperature was measured using the same thermometer.

Does it actually lower interior temperatures?

The Auto Cool had to be moved to the driver’s front window since the factory tint on the rear windows would not allow the solar array to energize.

Parameter degrees F ambient temp F

With closed windows 114 91
With one cracked window 113 91
With Auto Cool 114 91
With two windows cracke 112 90
With Auto Cool with one 112 90
cracked window

Conclusions: The Auto Cool did nothing for reducing interior temperature in any of the trial environments.

The 1 hour test period might be to short for the Auto Cool to “work”, however, that is a realistic real world time for the truck sitting in the sun when running errands.

Further, one noticed major shortcoming is that it requires almost direct sun on the solar array to power the unit; bright daylight seems not to be enough( its quite possible the fan was not even during some testing ). Also noted was that the fan does not produce enough suction to hold a sheet of printer paper.

I shall leave it installed in the truck, parked in the sun all day to see what happens. I am not holding my breath for any positive results.
My concerns with the Auto Cool were revealed to be true; this is basically a worthless device.

Anyone want to buy mine? Cheap, real cheap. eBay, here I come.


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As usuall great write-up. Thanks for an honest evaluation. As I said before on another post. You can take it to the bank what Al says. He may get into it more then some, but he just saved some people some $$$$

yup I have great instincts :)

I would like to see somebody make a real version of this sucker that might actually move some CFM.

Does the autocool blow air into or out of the vehicle?

I wonder how many they have sold hahaha

410Fortune said:
yup I have great instincts :)

I would like to see somebody make a real version of this sucker that might actually move some CFM.

Does the autocool blow air into or out of the vehicle?

I wonder how many they have sold hahaha

Now 410 give that question some thought. You know that it's higher pressure in car then out. Blow out. Less electric to turn. Airs expanding and wants out :D

ah but thats assuming the creators of this product took these things into consideration.....I think they saw $$$$ and thats about it. Parked a car under a tree and the other in the sun, then measured the temps and made a commercial.....

410Fortune said:
I wonder how many they have sold hahaha

Hey, we know they at least sold one. :D

aldive said:
... and I know the dumbass who bought it.

inquisitive yes, dumbass no

Hey Al:

Could you test the "HEAD ON, APPLY DIRECTLY TO THE FOREHEAD" stuff for us too. ;)

I've always wondered if it really works.

Good write-up by the way.


MyExpWork said:
Hey Al:

Could you test the "HEAD ON, APPLY DIRECTLY TO THE FOREHEAD" stuff for us too. ;)

I've always wondered if it really works.

Good write-up by the way.

I think this would be a great add for a erectil disfunction rub on medication. Just change the first head to hard.
