AWD to Part time t/case swap | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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AWD to Part time t/case swap


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June 12, 2008
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98 Explorer XLT
I just recently purchased a 98 Explorer XLT with AWD with a transfer case that is failed at the front drive shaft output. Since I will have to replace the t/case with a used unit anyway, I was wondering if I could put in apart time unit and manual lock outs on the front axles. If so what kind of donors would I look for ? years, models, pns. I intend to make this a daily driver that will do occaisional off roading during hunting season, and winter snow. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

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First off do you have the V8 or V6. Only the V8 equipped Explorers & Mountaineers had AWD T-cases. V6 models had Control-Trac which is not the same. With Control-Trac you have 2 hi/4 h1/4 low.

98 Explorer

My 98 is a 5.0L V8, dark green, factory aluminum wheels, tan leather interior, sunroof, appx 170K. It runs good just needs some a/c work and a TC. The previous owner gave me a price I just coudn't pass up. Also it's my 1st ford in 21 years.

Welcome, and check out those thread links above. Several members have swapped to a true 4WD TC, decide if you want manual levers or electronic controls. There are threads about each. Regards,

did the transfer case fail or the cv on the driveshaft? I have had three break in four months!

4404 tc

Failure was due to not a drop of lube found in case and the front output bearing no longer exists. I have not removed as of yet to see if the case is ok or not. The original owner's gripe was a bad vibration coming from the floor. If I can, I may just rebuild it to get my wife back in a truck for the winter and out of her Saturn and allow myself to collect parts for a swap in the spring. Anyone have any ideas about rebuilding or swapping in used for a quick fix? This unit seems a bit pricy as apposed to the 4405 which seems to be plentiful. Thanks

They are less common now than before, but they are still out there. The mileages are not as good as they used to be when you find them, but prices used to be $250 or so. Now they are usually less due to the higher mileage. I have a spare 97 model AWD TC, I got it with a spare transmission. I don't know anything about it's mileage, so I would sell it for about $150 shipped.

If you haven't discovered it yet there are two AWD TC's, the early 96/97's had a speed sensor in them, but otherwise they are the same. Explorers after 1997 use a speed sensor in the rear end, and don't need the trans sensor. Let me know if you would like this, I have sold one other, and it turned out to need a chain. The viscous clutch inside is the most expensive part, near $400 from what I've read. Your TC is likely toast if there really was no fluid in it. I wonder how it would have gotten out, other than a significant failure at the two seals/bearings. Regards,
