BFG's are bad for explorers??? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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BFG's are bad for explorers???

Karol, what you need is one of them business cards that say 'I am Deaf', and pad of paper.

Make them write everything down, and NEVER SAY A WORD. ok, grunt and squeal every once in a while.. but make damn sure NOT TO SPEAK, until you've got it all down in writing.. Then say 'Thanks!'.

Heheheheheeee.. That will get their goat!

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I know I got some idiot at the Radio Shack I hate it that everytime I go in there looking for something , they come out and say "we don't carry that anymore" ...before you can get a sentence out..... they just want to sell you a computer or a cell phone or that godalful Satalite Dish kit..... they don't even want to speak to anyone who wants anything else.... So I stood there while he wrote down that he didn't have it....I made it seem like my husband never believes me and stuff.......then I called the manager the next day and asked he seemed puzzled..... They did in fact had what I needed...... I just told him the "salesmans" name and included that there were about 8 different customers in line behind me.... I just didn't seem worth his time since my item was only about $ opposed to a potential $1500-2000 customer ..."We got questions....they got answers" all right....and the answer is...."We don't carry stuff like that anymore!!! andd guess what....Karol don't shop there anymore....


Sears says the same thing...

I called the local Sears store here in Littelton (Southwest Plaza) and the guy told me the same thing. I asked specifically fro 31 x 10.5 x 15 and the guy quotes me Sears policy about the Explorer is speced for "P" sized tires for a passenger car. The ONLY way he would install those tires is if I was running a suspension system from a Ranger! So, I told him I'd take my $500 and go someplace else. He did mention the dreaded ROLLOVER risk. And the sidewall being stiffer in a "Truck" tire causing the rollover. Oh well, I never liked Sears in the first place...

Weird...because when I went tire shopping last August (in the midst of the Firestone "fiasco"), the Sears guy was all about me buying oversize tires.

Well, now that I think about it, this is Alabama...Dead Link Removed

Dead Link Removed

careful now

I was born in montgomery a while back.

Who knows how consistant the Sears corporate message is. Maybe I was just "Lucky" that I was able to get this guy to set me
