Boredom and the worst use of the search button... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Boredom and the worst use of the search button...


my pockets hurt
Elite Explorer
August 21, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
broomfield, co
Year, Model & Trim Level
'90 XLT 4x4
Yeah, I get really bored sometimes...Work will do that to a person...:D

Anyways, so I was sitting here and I like the function on the search button that gives you the last 10 or so words that were searched... So I decided to think of words that would return the most hits, this is what I came up with:

tire: 8347
wheel: 8341
explorer: 37306

Obviously explorer is gonna be one of the big ones, but I just wanted to see if anyone could beat 37k returns...have fun :D

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i looked up explorer and only got 17800 matches....

click on the search button, you'll see your search and it says 37306 results

edit: actually 37308 now
edit #2: clicked on that search and it said it returned almost 18k threads...don't know why they're different

Threads vs. posts. Obviously the number of matched posts will be higher than the number of matched threads.

the best i could get was "lift"
it had just under 17K

I had 12000 something for "Truck"
I figured "Help" should be the most,considering how most people don't search first, and their first post here is "Help! my truck won't start" :rolleyes:
But it won't work. It just says no matches.

ford only got 16422 results.

stock got 16084

Got ya beat: *ex* came up with 82416 results! I know, I know, it's cheap, but still.

And BTW, I should get extra boredom points. I was actually looking through old forum pages when I found this thread :rolleyes:

if you can shorten explorer to ex, then i'll take it a step further and search X:p

121268 results:D

Computers ... one of the most important, if not the most important, inventions of the last 100 years... and this is how they're being used. :D

Computers ... one of the most important, if not the most important, inventions of the last 100 years... and this is how they're being used.
well i dont think the inventors of the desktop PC were thinking "hopefully someday people wont have to leave their house to get ****ography" "people can just download all the **** they want":D


Originally posted by leenjen

well i dont think the inventors of the desktop PC were thinking "hopefully someday people wont have to leave their house to get ****ography" "people can just download all the **** they want":D


Bill Gates is kinda a FREAK though!!!!:eek:

Originally posted by leenjen
if you can shorten explorer to ex, then i'll take it a step further and search X:p

121268 results:D

And I thought I was being cheap :D :p

well, now that I've written the word "********", there's at least one search result for it...
