Brakepad Lifespan | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Brakepad Lifespan

I hope this is the right portion of Serious Explorations (as opposed to the Engine and Driveline portion) to get a good response. Anyway, I replaced all four brake pads at 51,000 miles or so. I think replacing these pads- or I should say more correctly that having the brake pads wear that much as to need replacement in 51,000 miles- seems a bit premature to me. Any thoughts? What are your Experiences.

I will say this, I bought my Explorer (5.0 4 dr with all wheel drive) at 38,000 miles from CarMax. I do not know the driver history or driving habits of the former owner though the vehicle seemed in excellent condition, signifying a previous owner who knew how to treat a vehicle. I do know that I've been in my opinon exceedingly gentle on the vehicle in all my habits including braking.

Again, your thoughts on whether pad replacement at 51,000 miles is unusual or a bit premature? I was hoping to go about another 10-15K miles before having to do this.

Thanks again,

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A lot of variables involved in pad life; your mileage is not unusual.

my brakes have nearly gone to crap in less than a year (and less than 9000 miles, most of that is highway). despite living in the mountains most of the year, i don't drive much and when i do its not up and down mountains all day. must have been low quality parts. i havent been to the shop to get it diagnosed but i'm afraid of being told that i need to drop another $500 on brakes, again. it really burns me that i can't seem to find someone who does a quality job the first time. needless to say, its not at all safe having bad brakes in the mountains.

I have my own log. My original front brake pads lasted for about 50,000 miles (4 years) and the rear were all worn out at 26,000 miles (2 years). Of course, all depends on your driving habits and what type of brake pads you have there. Personally, I baby my truck. I heard that Taxi drivers with Explorers change their brake pads every six months.

the general feeling im getting by reading the other posts about brakes and brake pads is that the Ford OEM pads are the better ones to get (for the money). i might have to get some then. :cool:

i just replaced my pads and rotors at 45K(powerslots). great shape, they had at least half of the pads remaining. i guess it depends on how much you use them.
