Brush Guard Install. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Brush Guard Install.


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2015
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City, State
Rhode Island
Year, Model & Trim Level
1999 Explorer Sport
Managed to grab a Manik Brush guard cheap from someone off craigslist. Measured the overall width before I bought it to make sure it fit the width of the truck, and it fits perfectly. However I went to install today, and found that there was only one hole in the frame on either side to bolt onto (While the mounting brackets have 2 bolts), and that the frame is far too wide for the width of the attachment points on the guard itself. Also found that without cutting the bumper it would sit super low, So I'm assuming some cutting of the bumper would be needed. However I'm lost as to why the space is so much wider on the frame than it is on the guard itself (The space between the two mounting brackets on the guard is about exactly 2 feet)

Any Ideas?

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I believe you are missing the adapter plate that mounts the guard to the frame. I believe, not quite sure.

I believe you are missing the adapter plate that mounts the guard to the frame. I believe, not quite sure.

That's what I thought, and i've been searching for them all day and can't seem to find any online.

There is the brush guard and then the adapter plates. I don't have any pictures of the plates on my 96 but you need those plates to mount it. Also I got my guard used and it seemed skinnier than the frame too... until I cut the bent cross bar out of the bottom and it literally popped back out. Is your brush guard bent at all? It could be tweaked.

Here's how I cut my bumper. Take your time, measure twice cut once, it can be done very clean if you do.


There is the brush guard and then the adapter plates. I don't have any pictures of the plates on my 96 but you need those plates to mount it. Also I got my guard used and it seemed skinnier than the frame too... until I cut the bent cross bar out of the bottom and it literally popped back out. Is your brush guard bent at all? It could be tweaked.

Here's how I cut my bumper. Take your time, measure twice cut once, it can be done very clean if you do.


It doesn't appear to be damaged in any way. All the lines are straight and there doesn't appear to be any bumps/folding there it would've bent. I think it may just need adapter plates. The mounting brackets are definitely less than a foot behind the front of the guard itself, so it seems that something needs to go inward from the frame so that it can be attached, and slightly out so that when it is attached it's not super low on the front.

I recently installed a brush guard on our 99 Sport & we did NOT have to cut the bumper cover to install it. The brackets go from the frame below the bumper around to the front where it attaches to the brush guard. Here is a pic of ours, if you need a specific pic let me know & I can take one.

Does the factory ranger skid plate mount right up to the explorer?

Go to a scrap yard and find another brush guard that has the brackets. I pieced mine together from two different trucks. Guard from one truck and brackets off another.

Go to a scrap yard and find another brush guard that has the brackets. I pieced mine together from two different trucks. Guard from one truck and brackets off another.

Unfortunately there have been a lack of brush guards on truck in the scrap yards here. I might swing by and take a look tomorrow - i havent been back in nearly a month.
