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Brush Guards and Body Lifts


New Member
September 27, 2003
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City, State
Portland, OR
Year, Model & Trim Level
92 Explorer XLT 4dr
Has anyone put a brush/grill guard 91-94 with a body lift kit in? I've got a 92 with a 3" body lift and I just bought a Smittybuilt Outland brush guard and they don't make a kit for this to work with a lift.... any ideas?

I've thought about fabricating some different mount brackets myself, but the more I thought about it, I just don't have enough of the right tools for this. I've also thought about shortening the original mounting brackets and just welding them to the bottem of the frame.... Has anyone had this problem and what did you do about it?

i have much wondered about this myself. there are a few people that have done it. some cut and weld, some get a bruch guard that is bumper mounted (not as safe), but it looks like the one on EE would work. in its normal design, you would have to remove the airdam, but with a BL, it would just go right under the airdam....or so my theory goes.
