Bw 4405 - 7ga | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Bw 4405 - 7ga


Well-Known Member
March 27, 2006
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2000 Explorer Limited AWD
I have a 97 explorer with the 4405 7GA t-case, and the famous issue off the oval case has come to get me. i was wondering what the best route is, buy new case halfs from omega and replace the shift fork at it, or buy a replacement off of ebay, theres a company that sells the whole case for $850. but im just not sure if the quality is there. Also is there any other things that usually fail on the 4405 that i should replace, if i go the rebuild route? thanks in advance. :( :ttiwwp:

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Personally if (when??) my t-case gets to that point, I'm going with Omega's parts. I've heard nothing but good stuff about them on here.


I think I would probably rather go that way to, but i cant afford my truck to be down for a while with my job. its bad enough im going to have the timing chain issue soon.. If anyone has advice on how long the rework takes, and the common things to fail. that would be helpful. i know the shift fork is a famous POS. but the bearings and other peices to, im not sure if they can be reused.

The bearings are not all that expensive. The upgraded shift fork is about $50. I think Omega does the case halves on an exchange basis, and the pair are where the big item of cost is.

Yes, i got a price it was $90 For the front case and $160 for the rear, with a $100 dollar core. I heard is a good place to buy seals from too.

Seals, bearings and kits.... Good outfit. I recommend them.
