Wanted - Cabin light problem | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Wanted Cabin light problem

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Well-Known Member
March 13, 2015
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1996 Ford Explorer OHV
I did headliner repair and after I got it back, my central lamp refused to lit when I open the door.
Only front and door's worked.
Then all the cabin light stoppd working.

1. Is it a fuse and which one?

2. What's wrong with central lamp. Why it's not turns on when I open the door? I screwed all three screws...

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Check number 27 fuse here to see if it's burnt out.. (15 amp).. (of course your European Explorer could have fuse in different location)
Odd scenario of events but ultimately sounds like you inadvertently created a short / pinched wires in this circuit during installation which didn't manifest / make contact immediately.


Check number 27 fuse here to see if it's burnt out.. (15 amp).. (of course your European Explorer could have fuse in different location)
Odd scenario of events but ultimately sounds like you inadvertently created a short / pinched wires in this circuit during installation which didn't manifest / make contact immediately.

View attachment 341578
Thanx for the tip on a fuse, but I don't think I could pinch any wire there. Do you have diagram of central light? It seems to me that problem in it.



I can't get jack out of this stuff. Thanks anyway.
Its the diagram you asked for!!
Its ok sorry if it don't help you.

Battery saver relay
Fuse #26
The gem
Or a break in a wire / bad connector

All the info you need is in the wire diagram above ^^^

Ok, maybe I am stupid but I can't understand.

I see only orange-green constant positive wire here - on both black things... And where is wire that should give a + when doors are open? How is this crap works anyway?
And why when this dome light worked when I pressed switch on it - it was not turning ON when I opened any door?

There's a ground wire on the dome light itself. You have to get it installed just right or else it won't work. Went through this myself years ago and solved it by playing with the dome light switch and metal bracket.
