Converting 1st Gen EX to manual | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Converting 1st Gen EX to manual


Well-Known Member
February 26, 2007
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1990 Ranger
Might be getting another EX with a dead A4LD. No real desire at this time to rebuild another one. Thinking a 5 speed swap to be ideal. Some questions that I can't really find answers for.

I know I need the Mazda trans, clutch set and flywheel, slave and master cylinders and hose. AND the manual specific starter...

The truck is also a 94, so I know I don't want to go newer (different connectors). I'me sure I can grab almost everything I need from a Ranger or EX. But probably need EX specific wiring.

After reading GMan's thread, and his issues between auto and manual ECUs, will this be an issue in the 1st gen as well? If I need a Manual specific ECU am I going to have wiring issues like Gman? (Not a big problem, just something to think about and plan for, since I swapped a complete 90 cab and engine harness into a 88 Ranger cab...)

Can I use Ranger clutch/brake pedal assemblies, or MUST I use an EX specific?

And will the 1354E tcase from the A4LD bolt up to the 5 speed?

Is there anything else I need to source from the Rangers or EXs I haven't mentioned?

Thanks all!:salute:

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Might be getting another EX with a dead A4LD. No real desire at this time to rebuild another one. Thinking a 5 speed swap to be ideal. Some questions that I can't really find answers for.

I know I need the Mazda trans, clutch set and flywheel, slave and master cylinders and hose. AND the manual specific starter...
The flywheel bolts arent the same as flexplate bolts.
The master is different for 91-92 and 93-94.

The truck is also a 94, so I know I don't want to go newer (different connectors). I'me sure I can grab almost everything I need from a Ranger or EX. But probably need EX specific wiring.

After reading GMan's thread, and his issues between auto and manual ECUs, will this be an issue in the 1st gen as well? If I need a Manual specific ECU am I going to have wiring issues like Gman? (Not a big problem, just something to think about and plan for, since I swapped a complete 90 cab and engine harness into a 88 Ranger cab...)
I'm not sure, I'm still using the auto computer.
Can I use Ranger clutch/brake pedal assemblies, or MUST I use an EX specific?
Yes, 92 and earlier Ranger pedals will fit.
And will the 1354E tcase from the A4LD bolt up to the 5 speed?
Is there anything else I need to source from the Rangers or EXs I haven't mentioned?

Thanks all!:salute:


How the heck did I miss that sticky?

I probably need more than I think, but thans sno...
So wherever I grab the flywheel, keep the bolts, Use the proper year slave/master for the year trans I snag, Wonder if I still have that pedal set... And the auto ECU seems to tolerate a manual just peachy... Appreciate it!

I have been looking at doing this for some time. I think the easiest way is to find a donor vehicle, but if that's a no go, most of the little parts are easily available from junkyards and the internets. New parts such as the master/slave cylinder, clutch, etc shouldn't run but a couple hundred bucks. Computer, pedals and misc used parts can be had for fairly cheap too. Although this is in regards to a '99, he has a good parts list and pictures of his parts:

I second 94fourdoor's sticky noted above, should be of great help if you are like me and need pictures of the process. I am confident that the whole swap can be done in a weekend if you do your homework and have everything laid out before hand.
