Cranks but won't start | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Cranks but won't start


New Member
December 15, 2018
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City, State
Fairfield, California
Year, Model & Trim Level
1994 Explorer XLT 5-door
I own a 1994 Ford Explorer XLT. The vehicle cranks but won't start. I have replaced the coil pack, ignition module but still will not run.
What could be the problem? Do let me know.

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Can you hear the fuel pump run when you turn the key from off to run? It should run for a few seconds and stop.

A bad ECM/PCM can also cause a "crank/no start" situation. That was where I finally landed when mine went out on me. It tried to "die" on me a few times, kind of like it wasn't getting any gas, and it would take FOREVER cranking till it finally fired back up. Managed to feather the pedal enough to keep it running for the last 3 miles to the house, then it didn't move under it's own power again till I replaced the ECM/PCM. No CEL, either!

Do you have spark?

It could be a bad fuel pump relay. As mentioned above, try listening for a pump noise before you start it. If no noise it could be the relay, the pump, the connector, the wires in the distribution box under the relay, the other relay (EEC?) that powers the pump relay, inertia switch, and/or finally the computer.

If the EEC relay is bad, the check engine light will not come on with the key.
When my EEC relay was bad, the engine would not even crank.

Can you hear the fuel pump run when you turn the key from off to run? It should run for a few seconds and stop.
Yes I do get it. How do you replace a fuel filter on a '94 explorer?

I believe its mounted on the frame rail with the lovely “quick” disconnects.

I own a 1994 Ford Explorer XLT. The vehicle cranks but won't start. I have replaced the coil pack, ignition module but still will not run.
What could be the problem? Do let me know.
Check the fuel pump by turning the key to the run position and listen for a noise in the back you can unplug the door chime underneath the dash if you want too be able to here better if the pump doesn't come on test the relay by pulling the pump relay out and swapping the ac relay in if the pump kicks on and starts the truck the relay is the problem, also if that doesn't work prime the fuel pump a couple of times if this starts it it's probably a dying fuel pump this happened on my 93 a few weeks ago after I ran it outa gas, hope this helps good luck!

I believe its mounted on the frame rail with the lovely “quick” disconnects.
Three kinds of fuel line disconnect tools.
The worst - plastic single finger tab. Won't release opposite spring.
Better - double tab your index and middle finger can apply pressure.
Best - the metal one. Spraying PB Blaster nut remover helps to break corrosion

The filter is on inside of left body rail close the to the front wheel and can be changed without having to jack up truck. Wear safety glasses as fuel momentarily sprays out

BTW, the inertia switch is behind the passenger kick panel. Never heard of it being a problem (unless you collide with anything and it cuts off the fuel pump).

BTW, the inertia switch is behind the passenger kick panel. Never heard of it being a problem (unless you collide with anything and it cuts off the fuel pump).
I’ve tripped mine hammering underneath the truck twice.

Almost forgot about that!!! My daughter managed to hit mine with her foot when she got out at the store. We came back out and it wouldn't start. Messed with it for an hour before a guy in a ranger stopped and said "did you check the inertia switch?" SMH.... Pulled the carpet back, and sure enough, the inertia switch was tripped! I felt like an idiot, so gave the guy $20 for reminding me to check the simple stuff!
