Solved - Dash rattle | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Solved Dash rattle

Prefix for threads that contain problems that have been resolved, and there is an answer within the thread.

Carl D.

Well-Known Member
September 28, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
St Charles MO
Year, Model & Trim Level
92 Explorer Sport
Well after 8 months and tearing my dash apart last week, i finally fugiured out was rattling/knocking under the dash.

It wasn't the dash, it was the sun roof cover, vibrating against the roof/sun roof window. I figured it out when I was test driving the vehicle after pulling the dash apart and decided to open the sun roof. I had my son remove the cover at which time the rattle/knock stopped. Too easy.

Apparently the sound was carrying down the roof pillars and sounded as if it was coming from the dash area, wierd, but true. Problem solved. :hammer:

Locating the real source of a rattle is the hardest part -- fixing it is usually the easy part. Its strange how the acoustics inside a vehicle can throw your senses off.

I had a rattle that sounded like it was coming from the passenger door -- and it was a bad one. Going down a uneven road, having the engine idling, even turning on the stereo all made this horrible rattling that was driving me insane. I took the door panels off, replaced the lining and all the fasteners. Still rattles. So I look further, and I figure out that with the stereo on, if I open the passenger door the rattling stops. I could go on with this story for 10 pages, but I eventually found that there was a CD that had fallen in behind the right side of the glove compartment. It was leaning up against the frame, so when it vibrated it sounded like the whole truck was rattling.

The CD was some remixes of Latin dance music -- so I'm pretty sure I can blame this one on the previous owner ;-)

