Dimensions for 1st Gen Aftermarket Intake | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Dimensions for 1st Gen Aftermarket Intake


Well-Known Member
December 29, 2001
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Charleston, SC
Could someone post for me the dimensions of the pieces for their Aftermarket Intake? Such as 3" OD Tube x 12", etc. I know that the angle out of the intake is a 90 degree, but what would the other angle be? Also, will need the length of the tube from the 2nd angle to the MAF.

I have a line on purchasing aluminum tubing at a good price so I'm going to attempt to create my own air intake tube. Thanks very much.

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i heard somewhere that the battery and the plate the airbox sits on are interchangable, Meaning you can move the battery where the air box goes and you will have a straight shot insted of doing a 90 degree bend then a 30 degree bend (those are not exact mesurments)

that should help

Thanks Creager, I'll hafta check that idea out.

93Lifted, I saw your post earlier. Good job and original. I have recently purchased the MAF Adapter and have the aluminum, just looking for the dimensions. Thanks.
