Disabled single mom needs help with 4x4 limited | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Disabled single mom needs help with 4x4 limited


December 31, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
corvallis, oregon
Year, Model & Trim Level
1994 4x4 auto 6 cyl Explr
hi, i just got this two weeks ago. I have a 1994 4x4 automatic Ford explorer limited and have low oil compression. If you were filling up your gas instead of looking at your oil pressure you would find that my oil pressure sits at 1/4 tank. Sits on the first letter. Very low. I have a constant check engine light on with these codes.332 EGR Valve opening not detected. 335 EGR(EPT) Sensor voltage out of range during self test and 341 which is octane adjust service pin in use.
I got this vehicle 2 weeks ago and this is what i have done to it. I have changed all plugs wires, still need to change spark plugs. Fixed Radiator leak, fixed vaccuum leak, and check engine light still on, found vaccuum leak at back of engine when changing plug wires, changed both crank cases had them flushed and changed oil and put oil in for older motors. please, someone help. am single disabled mom with very little money to fix. can anyone tell me what they think it is and give me any cheap fixes? live in corvallis, oregon. thankyou tagtifftj also slight hesitation at idle. thank you
Please, i dont know how to use this website, and im getting lost, i hope you can help me. desperate single mom

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Hello. Your low oil pressure situation can be diagnosed by connecting a mechanical pressure gauge to the engine. But, the first thing to do though is to replace the oil pressure sending unit. They go out all the time when the vehicle gets older. Mine did the exact same thing you are reporting and that was the prblem on mine. The sender unit is located on the lower front driver's side of the engine, down underneath there; kinda hard to see. It is a cheap part; only a few bucks from AutoZone. If you look at the repair manual on the AutoZone website and do a search for oil pressure sender you will see where it is located. You will have to crawl on the ground under the vehicle to change it out. You will need a channellock type pliers to unscrew the old one and screw the new one in. Put some teflon plumber's tape on the new one before screwing it in.

As to your codes, I can't help you with those. Perhaps try doing a search on this site. Type the code into the Search screen and see what you get. Wish I could help more but I am 1200 miles from you. A lot of churches have programs where guys from the church will do repairs on single mom's cars - why don;t you call around some churches in your area? There should be no obligation - they won't expect you to become a member or whatever. Good luck! Pete

hi, and thank you to all for your help

still trying to find my way around this website and i want to say thank you before i get lost again and cant find my way back.:):):D:D

tbar can you help me please again>

Can you tell me how long it could take with all your notes for a mechanic to diagnose this problem if he knows what he is doing. As I know nothing about what your talking about, I am going to have to pay a mechanic to diagnose this problem. Can you suggest any quick and cheap fixes i can do on my own as i will probably have to pay a mechanic big to diagnose, i am hoping that i can change a few inexpensive parts and that my problem will go away.

...I myself cannot answer that as I think there are to many variables in that question..:(

...You are armed now with the information of the codes, and their meanings, and I believe you have enough information to screen a few mechanics and know if they are on the right track or not...If you have more questions, let us know and we will try and answer them..;)

...Maybe someone else can make a guess for you...I'm sorry I can't be of more help...
