Discount on 2013 Limited Explorer --- Just Placed the Order ! | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Discount on 2013 Limited Explorer --- Just Placed the Order !

It wont be $47 K. ( 47K is MSRP )

Never pay over invoice - Rebates

Invoice is 44K - Rebates( which is $500 form ford & coupons )

I was in market for BMW X5 which was around 59 K but when I looked at EX[/B].WOW ! Its' way better than X5 (Better Looks) better 3rd row & auto fold which you can only find in Benz GL 450 ( $70K )

Only 1 thing BMW does better is customer service. 0 Cost to own ( Free Oil change & Free Roadside Assist )

If ford gets Night Vision option it will be a Home Run.

Yes, 2013 are way better than 2011. I even didnt get 2012 as they updated software on 2013 & added lane assist and also corrected all the issues.

2013 is the way to go.
What's that saying? Don't count your chickens before they hatch. ;)
I don't know if I'd agree about the "way better than 2011" part. Yes, it has a few more options, if that is what you want, but the only problem I've had with my 2011 is with the rain sensing wipers going off randomly and that was addressed via the TSB. The MFT has had a few minor issues that always resolved themselves and the new MFT software hasn't really been released yet so we don't know if all issues have been corrected.
The only new option I would find useful is the heated steering wheel. I'll settle for gloves right now and I've only used them once so far.
Good luck with the new Explorer when it arrives. I really do hope that all issues have been addressed, snowyexp.:)


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Got it & yes it reduced the invoice.

Dealer placed the order today without deposit & said he will give me a call when they get VIN number ( about 3-4 weeks ) to do the paperwork.

It takes 4 weeks to get VIN ?
It can take a while. Once you get the VIN I believe the next news would be the Build Date. You will be able to get a copy of your Window Sticker online. The Window Sticker usually becomes available 3 - 4 days before your build date.
The link is explained in the 2011 + Ford Explorer sub forum; 2012 - 2013 Ford Explorer Order Status Threads.

You state that the dealer placed the order without requiring a deposit. Did you sign an agreement to purchase or something like that? If not, it seems that you actually do not have a contract to purchase this vehicle and they could sell it to another customer who is willing to pay more.
It seems to me that neither party has an obligation to the other without a signed contract.
Before mine was ordered I negotiated a final price and lease payments, put down a deposit and then the dealer placed the order. Then when it came in all I had to do was give them the remainder of the downpayment and fees as shown on the contract and they gave me the keys.


It can take a while. Once you get the VIN I believe the next news would be the Build Date. You will be able to get a copy of your Window Sticker online. The Window Sticker usually becomes available 3 - 4 days before your build date.
The link is explained in the 2011 + Ford Explorer sub forum; 2012 - 2013 Ford Explorer Order Status Threads.

You state that the dealer placed the order without requiring a deposit. Did you sign an agreement to purchase or something like that? If not, it seems that you actually do not have a contract to purchase this vehicle and they could sell it to another customer who is willing to pay more.
It seems to me that neither party has an obligation to the other without a signed contract.
Before mine was ordered I negotiated a final price and lease payments, put down a deposit and then the dealer placed the order. Then when it came in all I had to do was give them the remainder of the downpayment and fees as shown on the contract and they gave me the keys.


Yes, no deposit. He said he will give me a call as soon as they get VIN no. to do the paperwork. I will negotiate when they call me to come in. I didnt sign any agreement .

Yes, they can sell it to anyone if they dont agree to my price.

I think 2013 will have updated fast software and A-pillar,rain noise, door trim misalignment issues corrected.:D


Am in the same boat. Had deal worked out for 2012, but then found this board and saw number of TSBs and issues on 2012, so hoped that new production line would fix it. Only bummer I see is the 302a on the 2013 Limited is $1000 more than 2012. My options are white color, polished wheels and sunroof. On 2012 equipped that way they were taking $3k off sticker not including rebates. They had $1000 also for having leased another brand, and $500 Ford cash. So by the time smoke cleared, with taxes, etc and 5k down, Lease payments were:

24/12k = $423
24/10.5k = $401

36/12k = $459
36/10.5k = $445

Ford web site does not show lease options yet for 2013 models.

Salesperson said any 2012 I would buy he would do all the TSBs prior to taking delivery, so still wondering if I should do that. Only wrinkle is that I'm a few months away from lease being up on minivan, so I really don't want to take delivery of a 2012 now if possible, but still wondering if it would be a wash with price increase!


What's that saying? Don't count your chickens before they hatch. ;)
I don't know if I'd agree about the "way better than 2011" part. Yes, it has a few more options, if that is what you want, but the only problem I've had with my 2011 is with the rain sensing wipers going off randomly and that was addressed via the TSB. The MFT has had a few minor issues that always resolved themselves and the new MFT software hasn't really been released yet so we don't know if all issues have been corrected.
The only new option I would find useful is the heated steering wheel. I'll settle for gloves right now and I've only used them once so far.
Good luck with the new Explorer when it arrives. I really do hope that all issues have been addressed, snowyexp.:)


I couldn't agree more Peter, concerning the "way better" comment. Knock on wood but I have not experienced any of the written problems and issues discussed on the thread- except for my high pitch sound at shut down. I'll certainly have the TSBs worked when its in.

2011 EX w/10K miles.


Am in the same boat. Had deal worked out for 2012, but then found this board and saw number of TSBs and issues on 2012, so hoped that new production line would fix it. Only bummer I see is the 302a on the 2013 Limited is $1000 more than 2012. My options are white color, polished wheels and sunroof. On 2012 equipped that way they were taking $3k off sticker not including rebates. They had $1000 also for having leased another brand, and $500 Ford cash. So by the time smoke cleared, with taxes, etc and 5k down, Lease payments were:

24/12k = $423
24/10.5k = $401

36/12k = $459
36/10.5k = $445

Ford web site does not show lease options yet for 2013 models.

Salesperson said any 2012 I would buy he would do all the TSBs prior to taking delivery, so still wondering if I should do that. Only wrinkle is that I'm a few months away from lease being up on minivan, so I really don't want to take delivery of a 2012 now if possible, but still wondering if it would be a wash with price increase!

Welcome ColnagoRider. :wavey:
I leased my 2011 Explorer for 48 months. I was able to get the interest rate dropped almost 1.5% by putting down $6250 as a refundalbe deposit. This was the maximum allowed. The amount depends upon your vehicle cost and how much you want to reduce the rate. This deposit is returned in full at the end of the lease. The salesman/dealer wasn't aware of it until I had them check with Ford of Canada. Not sure if it available in the U.S. or if you want to go that route. I did the same with the last 2 Highlanders I leased. Just FYI.


Good news

Vin No. came today.:thumbsup:

I am going to sign paperwork in few days and will post my deal here.

Anyone know how to track VIN no ??

Good news

Vin No. came today.:thumbsup:

I am going to sign paperwork in few days and will post my deal here.

Anyone know how to track VIN no ??
Unless things have changed in the past year, I believe only the dealer/salesman can actually track the number. With the VIN you will be able to eventually pull up the 'Window Sticker' once Ford crates it. It is usually available for viewing about 4 days prior to the 'build' date.
There is a 'sticky' on how to find your Window Sticker.


:usa::DIt sounds like they will be treating you very fair. As my Dad once told me..."When you get a good deal you just need to shut the hell up and take it!".
