Do I have remote keyless entry? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Do I have remote keyless entry?


Explorer Addict
April 8, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Oxford, MS-- home of the Ole Miss Rebels
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 XLT Sport 5.0 Turbo
My truck is a '95 Eddie Bauer that I believe has every option.I have the keyless entry keypad on the door but I wonder if I'm supposed to have a key fob also. My manual says that it is an option. I know that the remote is standard on the Limited which has memory seats which mine does not have(not an option on the EB).

I am the second owner.

If I buy a remote off of ebay, will it work?

When I turn the key on and back off 5 times as if I was programming a remote, the doors do lock and unlock like they should.

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Sounds like you do. What I would try first though, is to borrow a FOB from someone, and try to program it. Then youll know for sure.

What is the difference in the remotes for 97 and older and 98 and newer besides the way they look? Could a remote for a 98 explorer be programmed for a 95? They are listed separate on ebay as if they are not compatible.

You do have keyless, the keypad comes in said package.

As much as I know, the fobs are the same. However when I had a new one programmed a while back they did give me the old style...

Get the 95-97 fob just to be sure.

I just went thru the same issue- I have the keyless pad on the door and YES you do have the keyless entry.

Get to and get the 95-97 remote, program it, and you'll be set. Dont forget to replace the batteries in it.


Originally posted by justin146
What is the difference in the remotes for 97 and older and 98 and newer besides the way they look? Could a remote for a 98 explorer be programmed for a 95? They are listed separate on ebay as if they are not compatible.

The difference is not only the way they look, the '98 and newer Ford cars/trucks has a brand new version of the RKE system so the '98 and newer remotes won't work on your '95. Try to find a pair of '93-'97 Ford remote. You can even get one that has a trunk button, even though the trunk button won't work.

i have the same 95 EB. i also have a key-pad an i have the remote keyless entry-system

I just bought a remote off of ebay for $23 shipped---hope it works.
