Do I need an alignment. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Do I need an alignment.


Well-Known Member
October 10, 2014
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Snow elevation California
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 Expl 4x4 XLT 4.6L
Hello, I'm replacing both upper front ball joints -- it still had the factory ones. And I've had to remove the upper control arm to use the ball joint press. The shims that fell were reinstalled, one each side. So, same arms, same shims, new ball joint. Alignment was fine before this procedure. Do I need to get an alignment done?. Thank you.

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If you replace/remove or do anything to suspension components, it is best to get the car aligned again to prevent the car from pulling and to prevent uneven tire wear.

The geometry is probably different with the fresh joints. If your tires are nice, I’d get an alignment.

Yes, an alignment is always recommended after suspension work.

Depending on the condition of the tires, you could just continue to use current tires and wait to get alignment when getting a new set, but expect accelerated wear.

Yes, the tires are in good shape. Will get the alignment.

Shop around, I've seen alignments as low as $49.99

I would buy and install these first though.

You need 3 packages/pairs. One pair for each front and a single pair for both rear. Without these all the alignment shop will touch is your toe settings.
