DO NOT BUY FROM OFF ROAD WAREHOUSE!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Well-Known Member
August 20, 2001
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City, State
San Diego, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'96 XLT OHV 2wd
I thought I'd have my new brakes this morning but instead I'm pissed off as hell!!

Off Road Warehouse in San Diego quoted me $388 installed for Powerslot rotors and Performance Friction pads. Then when I got there the quote said $468. When I asked the guy what was up he said that he had quoted me the wrong part number and that I could take the price or leave it!! I left it.

You'd think I would have learned about them after all the trouble I had returning u-bolts when they gave me the wrong ones!!

Thanks for letting me vent!! I gotta call ART and get them to send me some new brakes!

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That sucks! You would think that they would have worked with you on the price some.

You might think so. Oh well, their loss. Dean from ART has been at SEMA, but as soon as he gets back I'm going to get some of his rotors

ORW is great!

Please ask to speak to the manager of the store you were at, or contact the manager at the Escondido store Wally Palmer.

He will set things right.

Ive been a customer of ORW for alwmost 20 years and have never had an issue. They have been in business almost 30 years with 3 stores, they didnt get to be the biggest store in SD by screwing people over.

Hell I'll do your brakes for you- bring tme the pads and rotors, for $150 installed!


Doug, when I had my Jeep a few years ago they were great. But ever since I got my X, I've had nothing but bad luck. Maybe it's because it's a "street" X, but they haven't been helpful locating parts, when they got the wrong u-bolts it took a ton of effort on my part to get them to credit my card back for them. And now they jacked the price of the rotors $50 PER ROTOR when I came in!

If he had just quoted me the wrong price over the phone, well mistakes are made. But the guy's attitude was the biggest problem! He basically told me "tough ****, take it or leave it." If he'd been apologetic, or offered to meet me in the middle, whatever, that would have been ok. But he had a major attitude and frankly I've just given up.

I'm gonna get some ART rotors and install em myself.
