Does anyone have the instructions for the explorer express lowering kit? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Does anyone have the instructions for the explorer express lowering kit?


Well-Known Member
November 16, 2000
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'99 Saleen
i already have the front end stuff from when i had my front end aligned a little while back, but i would like to take a look at some instructions if anyone has them handy and would be willing to send them to me. i have a set of 17" rims and tires on the way and i would like to lower this thing pretty quick. all i need is a set of instructions and some lowering blocks for the rear. i am not going to pay the price that explorer express has on their kit just for a $20 set of lowering blocks. anybody blame me? anyways, your help would be apprecitated.

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I also dont have the instructions. I did write down the front end specs. After putting in the adjusters you should have: Camber = 0 to 5 degrees Negative
Caster = Maximum possible
Toe In = 1/16" IN
Hope this helps....

thanks bill, that does help.

Where can you buy just the camber adjusters? You can get the blocks from Steeda for $100.

you can also buy the blocks for the rear at autozone for about $20. also, the camber adjusters you should be able to get from someone who specializes in front end alignments.

Just go to the Auto Parts store and get them. That is what I did. MOOG makes the kit. It is like $15 and you need 2 kits. Dont forget to get new U-bolts the stock ones are to short.

Ya , From what I remember the U bolts are hard to find in the needed length.......

XLT 5.0 - Looking at your old posts, I wanted to clarify for everyone what you used:

2 Moog camber adjuster kits (P/N K8674) for $30
Bell Tech 2" drop kit (P/N 6100) for $25
2 longer U-Bolts (these need to be purchased separately?)

If you get the lowering blocks to big your rear will be sagging again....
You can only go so low in the front with the torsion twist cause you will never get it aligned.... and have tires rubbing on your uper a-arms. I can measure my blocks if you would like

All of that is correct. The U-bolt that come in the 6100 kit work. The axle tube on the explorers are 3 1/8" and the U-bolt that come with the kit are 3" so alittle effort is needed. I have since replaced the bolts.

P.S. Pur Pony is correct the blocks are 2" I had a machine shop cut 1/2" off of them. So I lowered it 1 1/2".
