Does ether work for EGR vacuum leak? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Does ether work for EGR vacuum leak?


Explorer Addict
January 18, 2007
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
04 Explorer, 94 XLT (RIP)
Hi guys,

I've spent some time looking for the answer to this, not finding it.

I recently had some EGR issues (94 4.0L). I've had codes 332, 336, and 337 (all KOEO). Those went away when I replaced the DPFE and the tubes connected to it.

Now I have a KOEO 327, which is a low voltage indication for the EGR circuit. I'm thinking it's the EGR vaccuum solenoid, but before I start spending more money on parts, I want to rule out a vacuum issue.

I had a bad hose on the top of the fuel vapor canister, which connects to a vacuum line that goes to the EGR vaccuum solenoid. I replaced the tube, still getting the code.

If I spray ether around the EGR vacuum lines, and one is leaking, will the engine race? I know that is the test for other vacuum lines, but I'm not sure about the EGR, since the valve moves depending on engine temperature, etc.

If not, what is the best way to to test the EGR vacuum lines?


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I am not certain of this, but I believe the egr gets vacuum after an accleration, when the vacuum rises with release of throttle--I believe on your year there is an egr vacuum solenoid (regulator) and a sensor for it's position--

The low voltage code is more likely an egr position sensor-wiring issue IMO

The position sensor is the DPFE, correct? I've replaced that once.

I agree, I think it's probably electrical, and I have a troubleshooting guide to follow, I just want to cover my bases and check the vacuum lines at the same time, since I know at least one is suspect.

BTW, is it OK to replace those hard plastic vacuum lines with fuel/emissions hose?


The position sensor is the DPFE, correct? I've replaced that once.

I agree, I think it's probably electrical, and I have a troubleshooting guide to follow, I just want to cover my bases and check the vacuum lines at the same time, since I know at least one is suspect.

BTW, is it OK to replace those hard plastic vacuum lines with fuel/emissions hose?

If it is silicone hose it should work--
Have you looked them over real well for holes? Take em off, look right near the ends--

Oh--don't spray ether near the egr--it is real hot.

FOOOM! is not a desired noise here--

"Don't spray ether near the EGR..."

Thanks, that's EXACTLY the info I'm looking for! Spraying that stuff anywhere but into a carb makes me nervous, that's why I asked first. :)

Where can I find silicone hose? All the local places seem to carry is the regular (rubber?) "fuel/emissions" hose.

