Drivers Low Beam not working but Passenger does? Yet all High Beams work? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Drivers Low Beam not working but Passenger does? Yet all High Beams work?


New Member
August 16, 2016
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1996 Explorer Eddie Bauer
Hey all,

My 1996 Ford Explorer EB Edition is having issues with the drivers low beam where it won't come on at all but the high beam does, the bulb on the passenger side lights up in low and high beam.

I've changed the bulb in the drivers side and that didn't do anything however I've tested the light for power and it's producing voltage?

I'm a little confused as what to do now as I don't want to get a ticket!

Many thanks

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Hey all,

My 1996 Ford Explorer EB Edition is having issues with the drivers low beam where it won't come on at all but the high beam does, the bulb on the passenger side lights up in low and high beam.

I've changed the bulb in the drivers side and that didn't do anything however I've tested the light for power and it's producing voltage?

I'm a little confused as what to do now as I don't want to get a ticket!

Many thanks

@withey92 What is "producing voltage"? Are you measuring 12 volts with the bulb removed by inserting probes into the socket itself? If so, the bulb should also "see" 12 volts. And light. imp

I'm trying to get my head around what you're saying, but it doesn't make sense... If the low beam of the electrical connector is receiving battery voltage when the low beams should be ON and if the bulb is good the light has to work because the high and low beam on the headlight bulb share the same ground. If the ground was bad neither the low or high beams work.

How are you testing for power at the electrical connector? How do you know the bulb is good?

So I have changed the connector on the light which produces 12 volts on all connectors and I know the bulb is good because I bought new bulbs to replace then both.

I had a look at other threads and found one regarding the light out module?
@koda2000 @imp

So I have changed the connector on the light which produces 12 volts on all connectors and I know the bulb is good because I bought new bulbs to replace then both.

I had a look at other threads and found one regarding the light out module?
@koda2000 @imp

@withey92 I would think the lights time-out module would shut off all the lights, not only one socket. But, I'll take a look at my wiring diagrams. imp

@withey92 I would think the lights time-out module would shut off all the lights, not only one socket. But, I'll take a look at my wiring diagrams. imp

Thank you! It's weird as I pushed in the wires into the connection on the socket and the light came on for a split second which is now making me think it's the connection of the LOM? But then there was a connection on the circuit board had burnt out so I resoldered that with no success. @imp

I am having the same problem with my '95 EB. Daytime running lights, high beams work on both sides, but low beam only works on one side. I swapped bulbs from one side to the other and same thing. It was fixed temporarily by the Ford dealer a long time ago.
I am thinking of running a positive wire from one side to the other to make them both work, but I am worried about frying something or blowing a fuse.
