egr fault | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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egr fault


New Member
October 20, 2008
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City, State
north port fl
Year, Model & Trim Level
96 xlt 4 door 2wd 4.0
Hey how's everyone doing? this is my first posting. My name is Bill and i have a 1996 exporer 2wd with the 4.0 engine. My check engine light comes on. I ran a scan at Advanced auto and it came up with insufficient egr flow. Talking with various people I went ahead and replaced all the egr components. Still have problem. Used my buddies scan tool and it came back with a clogged catalytic converter. Is there a way of checking for a clogged converter and what am I missing when it comes to the egr problem. Or is the clogged converter giving me the problem. Any help would be greatly appreciated.....

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Welcome! Posting the exact code number will help. There's not really a way a shadetree mechanic can check for a clogged cat besides seeing if one is warmer than the others, indicating a block. check the lines going to the DPFE sensor, sometimes those vac lines can trip a code like that.

When you say you replaced all the EGR components, did that include the DPFE sensor?

No code for a clogged cat. Makes me wonder what code they interpreted as such.

Most muffler shops will check that for you at no charge. They do a pressure differential check between the input and output of the converter. I know Meineke and Midas both do it for free.
