Exhaust Help!!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Exhaust Help!!!

Ballistic atv

New Member
June 22, 2006
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Bristow Virginia
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1998 Eddie Bouer
I have a 1997 X 5.0 V8 and want a good deep sounding exhaust... I was looking at the Mac and the gibson exhaust. They look nice and the Mac has a good tone. Everyone is talking about a cat back kit by flowmaster. I cant find one. Anyway, which exhaust will get me a good somewhat loud deep noticeable tone? Please Help...I need a Exhaust bad!

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I have the same exact X as you with stock exhaust and I was looking into the Flowmaster Force II. It used to be on summitracing but I can't find it anymore. Perhaps it's been discontinued??? We're both in the same boat. I'm pretty sure the force II used a 50 series muffler so you could just buy that and have a shop put it on. Either way i'm curious as to what you end up doing as you and I have the same X. By the way props to you for being so bold as to ask a question about exhaust preference. I guarantee someone is going to tell you to use the search button, but if you're like me, you've done that and have not found much pertaining to a 97 5.0

super 40's on a v8 sound nice

I have a single super 40 on my v6 rite now...its really deep but not really that loud like I wanted it. I just ordered a IMCO Extreme 2.5" in/out muff. These are supposed to get louder and deeper than the 40 flows with less drone. We shall see

Yeah i needed to ask... i cant find much. If anyone has any input please let me know by writing a reply or by PM.

I have the Flowmaster catback on my V8. Personally, I don't like it. Too quiet, and the fitment was not good (hits on rear shock and leaf spring). I've actually got a MAC catback on order, I'll see how that one does.

But I can tell you, stay away from the Flowmaster.

I've also been looking for an exhaust for my 5.0L. I don't want anything that'll sound like a freight truck but would like something a little deeper then stock. What do most people with this engine have?

duke16 said:
I've also been looking for an exhaust for my 5.0L. I don't want anything that'll sound like a freight truck but would like something a little deeper then stock. What do most people with this engine have?

Deeper than stock? Go super 40's with delta flow.
Louder? Go 50's with delta flow

When I went from 50's to 40's on mine, it didnt get louder...just deeper

I now have a IMCO xtreme which is the best of both worlds

I have dual chamber 2 flowmasters on my 01 sport i like the way they sound it sounds loud and deep.

First, for the best sound, go with Torquemonster headers.
I have a 50 series flowmaster dual in dual out
In my sig is a video clip of the sound
