Explorer Babe under name | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Explorer Babe under name


Admin's Wife, Explorer Babe
Staff member
Elite Explorer
February 10, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Year, Model & Trim Level
1993 Explorer XLT
Hey girls, ladies, dudettes,chicks, etc.,

If you would like it to say 'Explorer Babe' under your name this is where you need to post. GinaGem and Frisckey1, yours is already done.

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I thought you had to at least go on a run to prove you are a Explorer Babe?!?!?

I know Char and Teri (Perry's Teri) have been on a few and have shown they can hang with the boys.
If it wasn't for you gals who would make sure we are fed and that the pictures are taken of us showing off.

I would love to have that title. :)

Thanks Char...

Cool...I like being a babe! :p

Perry, you had me worried there for a minute. I thought you were going to ask for 'Explorer Babe' under your name. Thank goodness you were just commenting on having to have been on a run. Maybe we can come up with something else to signify that we have been on runs. In fact, on the last run I DROVE! :D

Originally posted by Char
Perry, you had me worried there for a minute. I thought you were going to ask for 'Explorer Babe' under your name. Thank goodness you were just commenting on having to have been on a run. Maybe we can come up with something else to signify that we have been on runs. In fact, on the last run I DROVE! :D

No, I don't need to be a Explorer Babe.

Teri (Perry's Teri) drove one time this summer when we were doing the pre-runs for CCR2001. It was just across the water, but she still says she would rather ride. That's fine with me because my nerves couldn't take it if she drove.

Yes it would be neat to have a little symbol or something under the elete pic where it says when you registered, year and model, etc is at of what runs people have done.


Someday I will learn how to scroll DOWN before I post.......:rolleyes:

Fork it over!


Well Char

Now if I had a hubby that owned an Explorer...then I would be an Explorer Babe right? Or if I was the only owner and operator of said Explorer do I still qualify? If so..... then go to it....lay that label on me!!


I would like to become an Explorer Babe.

As many times as I've helped my boyfriend (jeems) get out of the mud, I think I more than deserve it. hehe Thanks.

:salute:I know this thread is old...but so am I AND my Explorer! I bought a 1991 Explorer from my Manager, back in 2006 and she drove the hell out of it. I bought it for $800.00 and put twice that into it to get it legal and road worthy...then I parked it for 5 years while I drove my Dads little 2000 Ford Ranger after he passed away and passed it onto me in his will. I was recently hit by a drunk driver (a hit and run, although they caught him later on down the road) after he wrecked my little Ranger. My heart was broken, along with the grill, chrome bumper, etc...the door was bashed in on my drivers side and the frame was bent. So, I tearfully sold it to the insurance company and focused on my old 1991 (Generation 1) Ford Explorer, and I reserrected it after it had sat for 5 years!!! I am now driving it, and fixing and replacing things alittle at a time. It's quite a machine, and I would love to get it fixed up, looking good and driving better! Anyone in the North Texas area that would like to meet up sometime in the future or keep in contact here?
So, the main question is....since I am Female, and own and drive and am doing some of my own repair work, does that make me an "Explorer Babe"? Thanks Gurls, and keep in touch!
~Cindy Lou' in north Texas

So, the main question is....since I am Female, and own and drive and am doing some of my own repair work, does that make me an "Explorer Babe"?
~Cindy Lou' in north Texas
The answer is yes!
Great first post, Cindy Lou, welcome.

hmmmmmmmmmmmmm wonder how upset zukman would be if I requested an Explorer Babe moniker under our name???????????????? lol

hmmmmmmmmmmmmm wonder how upset zukman would be if I requested an Explorer Babe moniker under our name???????????????? lol

There's only 1 way to find out. ;)

hmmmmmmmmmmmmm wonder how upset zukman would be if I requested an Explorer Babe moniker under our name???????????????? lol

I don't have the power to do it.. If so Zukman and Stic-o would be labeled Explorer Babe :D

I'd love to have a tag under my name! I've got my 05 Sport Trac and I like to have fun and get it dirty. In the process of buying stuff to work on it as well.
