Factory speakers went dead?? HU works but no sound, HELP! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Factory speakers went dead?? HU works but no sound, HELP!


December 6, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
teaneck, nj
Year, Model & Trim Level
99 xlt
well i jus installed a indash tv and a pioneer deh-8500mp in my 99 X and its been in for about a week (i unplugged the monitor cus it was conflicting with the HU)... so about 20 min ago the system goes crazy and starts making this dead annoying static sound and the volume control wont turn it down or up. So i turn off the HU and keep goin, bout 3 min later i turn the HU back on and you can hear the music good at about 20-25 volume but once you reach somewhere around 30 volume you can hear the static start to come back. I turn it off one more time for about 20 min and its fine........ Until now, i went back out cranked the volume till about 30 and it was fine, 5 min later all the sound shuts off, woofers off, speakers off but the pioneer HU still works, it shows the equilizers moving and everything. I have tryed everything to turn the speakers back on but it wont work... PLEASE HELP ME

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also i jus cranked the volume up alll the way (to 60) to see if u could hear anything at all, and its verrryyy low on 60 and i think its only on like one or 2 speakers and the static is also "come and go" on 60, please help (its not distortion static, its like weird static, lol)

you might need to take it back out and redo the wires and make sure that no wires are touching and there are good ground connections and other wire connections

the 99 explorer doesnt have a factory amp for the door speakers right??? cus thats about the only thing i keep thinkin bout, tryed 2 check rear cargo (passanger area) but DAMN those panels are hard to get off.... :mad:

Did you ever figure out what happened? Similar thing happened to me. I had my kenwood hu installed for about 8 months and one day it just stopped working. HU works fine and will output directly to speakers but not when I hook into the harness in the dash. I was thinking I blew a fuse but i cant find one that is blown. I think im just going to run new wires but figured i would see if you know anything new since your post. Thanks


i blew a channel, cost $125 2 get fixed and it blew like 3 days later again, i took it back they are fixing it and imma jus sell it
