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Few questions about 5.4 swap into 04 Mountaineer (4.6)


Active Member
October 9, 2010
City, State
Harrisburg, MO
Year, Model & Trim Level
2004 Mountaineer Premiere
My 4.6 bit the dust last night (after 106K miles, and I just did the timing chains 1 month ago). I believe it wiped a connecting rod bearing or main bearing but not sure. It's one heck of a knocking engine now :). Anyway, no problem as I had been planning on this for a while (suspected a main bearing issue for the last 10K), and I am ready to do a 5.4 swap (MUCH cheaper and easier to find in my area, and more TORQUE). So I know that it's a pretty straight forward swap, but I do have a few questions...

1. My 04 Mountaineer is drive by wire, not a normal throttle cable, can I just swap the throttle body and electronics onto the 5.4 intake and be good? I really don't want to swap intakes as I believe that I will need to purchase the intake spacers to do so (and I am extremely cheap).

2. I most likely will purchase a complete parts truck for the swap (and make my money back parting the rest of it out/scrapping the remainder)... I would like to use all the existing accessories on the front of the engine rather that swapping the ones from the Mountaineer. Does anyone know of any problems I will have in doing that? Keep in mind the 5.4 will most likely be from an f150 (but I could do an expedition if thats easier)

3. As far as modifications go, the only one that I am aware of being a necessity is the building of a connector for the factory Y pipe so that the exhaust will join together. No problem there I will fab it myself. It seems like I have read about a few folks just running the stock tune on the ECU and being fine, is this still the consensus?
I don't mind getting a tune if it's necessary, but a good tune will cost just as much as the whole engine swap (I can get a good low mileage engine for around $400). So does anyone have any ideas here?

Thanks in advance for the ideas/help, I really appreciate it!

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Thanks Limited for the link, I have read the thread several times and it does answer most questions. I guess the big one that I need to have answered is what to do with the drive-by-wire setup? Any ideas anyone?

Based off post #105 in that thread, you should be fine. I have a feeling your throttle body and elbow is the same as the non-DBW and therefore it should work out.

If that is correct that it's great news. Will be nice to have the extra torque as I use the Monty to pull my boat, and although it does OK, 80ft/lbs extra at an extremely low 2500 rpm will be great!

please keep us updated!! i would almost certainly do this if i knew it could be done easily!

well, how did the swap go??
